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tv   WYFF News 4 530am  NBC  February 10, 2016 5:30am-6:00am EST

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geoff: breaking news, five: 30. highway patrol putting this they were involved in a chase overnight. the videos you see here's from the south carolina dot cameras along interstate 85. earlier this morning, it shows with the chase ended at the 92 mile marker and the caffe outlets. the chase ended when the suspect pulled over and was arrested. we are working to get more information. allyson: also, the results from the new hampshire primaries are in. what is next as the candidates had to south carolina. geoff: dale, we have cold temperatures. dale: teens and 20's across the area. the flurries are about to come to an end. we have pictures from skycam with winter weather continuing and noon and higher elevations. still on the secondary roads, they will be slippery conditions. the wind whips across the area
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teens becoming like below zero type temperatures in the boone area. the quick look at current temperatures. the range from 14 in boone, hendersonville at 19, asheville at 18. 13 in mars hill, 15 in weaverville, rivard at 19. 15 to 20 plus mile per hour winds. 20's across the upstate with wind from 15 to 18 and they feel like they are in the teens, too. anderson feel sick 11 and boone feels like minus four. -- feels like 11 and boone feels like -4. afternoon highs pushing in the upper 30's but maybe 40 for the upstate. the mountains of north carolina staying in the 20's. we will talk more about the weekend in a few minutes. allyson: thank you. for as long as the cold blasts,
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get the homeless out of the bitter cold. the asheville buncombe community christian ministry shelter last night. vans scoured the streets looking for those to bring in from expected temperatures that could feel like zero or below. >> everybody has to come in because folks will freeze to death in these conditions. we've seen folks pass out drunk and unfortunately, freeze to death on a sidewalk. we've seen them freeze to death in abandoned buildings and under passes. we're committed that no one has to freeze to death. allyson: the shelter only has room for 40 but works with other asheville shelters to make sure no one has to spend the night in freezing temperatures. geoff: a reminder that when bad weather hits, you can turn to the wyff 4 mobile app to track the storm coming and get the latest on school closings and alerts. if you don't have the wyff app, you can download it from your app store on your phone. let's turn to commitment 2016, donald trump takes new hampshire
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, presidential primary as the polls indicated. allyson: here's a look at how things played out. with 266 precincts reporting, trump got 35% of the vote. but the polls didn't see this coming. john kasich came in second with 16%. ted cruz, 12%. jeb bush, 11%. marco rubio, 11%. chris christie, 8%. carly fiorina, 4%. dr. ben carson, 2%. jim gilmore, 0%. vermont senator bernie sanders declared the winner of the new hampshire democratic primary. he had polled strongly in new hampshire over hillary clinton with nearly 267 precincts reporting. sanders has 60%. clinton, 38%. >> we want to thank the people of new hampshire, right? we love the people of new hampshire. you know, i said it and i said it a year ago.
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well there because i am here a lot. it is so beautiful and i love it so much and i love the people. i said i actually think they like me a lot. >> we will need to come together in a few months and unite this party and this nation because the right-wing republicans we oppose must not be allowed to gain the presidency. allyson: with new hampshire in the books, the focus turns fully to south carolina the first-in-the-south primary is less than two weeks away. patrick: -- geoff: the gop primary happens on saturday, february 20. followed by the democratic primary a week later on february 27. in georgia, both primaries are on tuesday, march 1. and in north carolina, both primaries are on tuesday, march 15. tomorrow, wyff 4 is teaming up with the riley institute at furman university for a commitment 2016 voter focus group with peter hart. this is an exclusive live streaming event that will take place in our wyff 4 studios. it will include upstate voters who will weigh in on the upcoming first in the south presidential primaries. nationally known pollster, peter hart, works with national news
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news. you can watch this exclusive event on thursday starting at 7:00 p.m. live streaming on our wyff 4 app. donald trump will campaign in the upstate tomorrow. trump has a rally at the t. ed garrison arena in pendleton. doors open at 5:00 and the event starts at 7:00. it's free to attend but you need to reserve a ticket online. marco rubio will also return to the palmetto state tomorrow. he's holding a rally in spartanburg, then heading to columbia. rubio was going to end his day in north charleston, but will instead be heading back to washington for senate business. in his place, south carolina congressman trey gowdy will attend the town hall in north charleston. it's taking place at the north charleston coliseum montague terrace. allyson: the senator ted cruz campaign will hold an event in the upstate. however, senator cruz will not be there. according to his campaign, he has been called back to the
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his wife heidi will be there. it starts at 5:00 this afternoon. ted cruz's next appearance will be tomorrow in rock hill. it's called the carolina values summit. cruz and dr. ben carson are expected to speak. it's taking place tomorrow between 6:00 and 9:00 at winthrop university. former governor jeb bush will also return to the upstate this week. bush will host a meet and greet at mama penn's restaurant on friday. that's on north main street in anderson. it starts at 11:15 in the morning. also stopping by the upstate, jim gilmore. the former governor of virginia will drop by the beacon in spartanburg today. he'll be there at 1:00 p.m. it's part of a two-day tour in south carolina. geoff: also, john kasich coming up with a strong finish in new hampshire and d ll be in south carolina, he will campaign in the charleston area a d then tomorrow plans to hold town
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myrtle beach and this saturday, the latest gop debate will come to greenville. the final showdown before the republican south carolina primary election on february 20. it's taking place at the peace center in downtown greenville. the debate starts at 9:00 that night. allyson: a heads up as you travel this weekend. several roads will be closed. they are the red lines. broad street from river to main street. main street from court to murphy street. south laurens street from broad to court street. and court street from main to river street. mainly the streets around the peace center. they will be closed from 8:00 a.m. saturday to 2:00 a.m. on sunday. the son of the reverend billy graham wants to encourage people to pray, then vote. geoff: his stop in south carolina is a part of his 50-state tour. the theme, pray, vote, engage. graham has not endorsed a candidate. in fact, he resigned from the gop in december, saying he was disgusted by some of the party's
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car this morning and driving to work. allyson: i am not a fan of the cold so i am struggling. geoff: i don't know a lot of people who say they are. especially in these parts. dale: cold and wind together is the combination. right now it might not be too breezy. we are seeing about six mile per hour breeze and some gust up to 15 and 20 at times in the upstate and it makes the 20's feel like teens. teens in the mountains feeling like below zero at times. flurries of snow overnight and if you continue until 8:00 along the tennessee-north carolina border. wind chill advisories are the big story today for those having to work outdoors and play outdoors in the mountains. bite you would those temperatures in the teens and 20 plus mile-per-hour wind.
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19 mile per hour breeze in hendersonville has dropped it down to zero. he is like minus four in boone, greenville, spartanburg in greenwood feel like 15 and 16. anderson feels colder. temperatures reach into the upper 30's, maybe 40's for the upstate. the mountains staying in the 20's all day. upper 20's may be the best we see at the asheville airport. tomorrow. be cold in the afternoon. temperatures this weekend chill down again on sunday. sunday night into early monday and early tuesday, light be a wintry mix to start. after tuesday, back to warmer temperatures. coming back in the middle to end of next week. still very cold each morning the next couple of days. >> senator sanders trounces secretary clinton in new hampshire, but how big is his win and how much momentum does he have moving forward?
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rousing concession speech to her supporters, but what's her strategy ahead? we'll tell you what one of her top officials is saying in a memo recently released. all that coming up, and more, on "today." allyson: look outside at our
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the super bowl is over but we are talking about what happened after the game. cam newton walked out in the middle of his press conference during that super bowl on sunday night. o tuesday, the panthers quarterback spoke about the incident for the first time. cam newton defended his actions and did not apologize for walking out on the media. >> i am human. i never once said i was perfect. i never proclaimed i was perfect, but at the end of the day, people pick and they do things of that sort and we got all these people that are condemning it and saying, but what makes your way right? i have been on the record to say i am a sore loser. who likes to lose? you show me someone who likes to lose and i'll show you a loser. it is not a popularity contest very i am here to and football games. ricardo: will muschamp will
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guest speaker at the annual awards banquet. it starts at 6:00 at the anderson civic center. geoff: thank you. for those who like valentine's day and coffee, a good
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dale: cold and wind look, i know you're a cow and all. and you may not know what i'm talking about, but, uh. the yogurt made from your milk, is delicious. mmmm, yoplait. (vo) want to be happy with your next vehicle purchase? at enterprise, we guarantee it. head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone...
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>> now, your live super doppler 4 hd forecast. dale: good morning. 5:48. cold, 20 four in greenville. eight mile per make it feel like 15. when you have temperatures in the teens and 20's and not a 15 to 20 plus mile-per-hour wind, it is bitter. flurries of snow overnight. this is the past six hours. a few flurries on the tennessee and north carolina border until
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when chilly advisories for northern georgia, western north carolina and winter weather advisory's for a few counties from raven to cherokee in western north carolina because of slippery spots on roads. anything higher elevations still there permanent has fallen over the last couple of days. boone at 13, franklin, 19. mid 20's, 23 in spartanburg. you take a 15 to 18 mile per hour breeze on top of that entity is like 11 in anderson and zero in hendersonville and -2 in boone. dress warmly outdoors. average this time of the year is 56 and we make it up to 40 today with low 20's this morning. asheville regional airport average is 50, but not today. 25 may be the best we get too. much colder than normal. the big system has impacted a
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flurries of snow occurring in atlanta and in places like abbeville. cold temperatures abound for most of the country and we start to see this cold air back off to canada and mild air comes in by the middle of next week. today will be cold all day with 30's in the upstate, 20's in the mountains. as you look ahead, chilly mornings for thursday, friday and sunday morning. 11 in the mountains, 18 in the upstate. late sunday night and early monday, a chance of snow changing to rain. that will be true monday night into early tuesday, but temperatures get back to the 50's by the middle of next week and warmer by the end of next week. allyson: thank you. happening today, you will have the chance to help someone in your own community all by buying a box. geoff: aly myles joins us live from anderson. aly: good morning.
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bank and we are talking about by a box. the campaign fight united way. carol can play much more. thank you. talk to me about the difference the boxes will make. carol: this is our fourth school year and we have been able to pack the bags and deliver them to children. 1000 children in anderson county. we depend on the school to be on the lookout for children they believe will have little to no food over the weekend. they discreetly placed those bags that have been packed by wonderful volunteers. in fact, since we started hacking this yet the golden harvest food bank, we have had over 700 50 volunteers come out and help us. and that we have volunteers that help us promote the boxes at the school, so we know this is making a difference for the children of anderson county. aly: we have been saying all
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not ask to be born without food or that any resources, so this really is, without the bags, they could be going without food. carol: they could. first off, that is a primary concern. how can we live with ourselves if we say it is ok for children to be hungry? at united way, we want to connect the learning ability with the fact that if they are hungry, their mind is on their stomach, it is not on the food, so we went them to go home with a bag of food on friday, come back to school on monday, ready to learn. statistics say if they go without food over the weekend, it is about tuesday afternoon before they are in the learning mode again. that means they have lost 1.5 days of learning. at adds up when you are learning to read and you are getting prepared for your future. aly: thank you for joining us.
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and buy a box, we have that information online that and on a mobile app. keep in mind, when you buy a box, it is helping eight kids stay full over the weekend. aly myles wyff news 4 live in anderson. geoff: great information. to. as we covered the nation the , mayor of flint, michigan has unveiled an aggressive plan to remove lead contaminated pipes from the city. she announced the $55 million fast start plan at a news conference yesterday. flint public works employees will partner with the lansing board of water and light. the mayor says the project will start with the high-risk homes that have children under six and pregnant women. >> we will let the investigations determine who is the blame for flint's water crisis, but i'm focused on solving it. geoff: theheroject is expected to start later this month and be completed in a year. allyson: officials in ferguson, missouri, are voting on a deal that may cost the city nearly $10 million over the next three
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the city reached a tentative settlement with the justice department last month. they are working to revamp their police department after the controversial shooting of michael brown. under the deal, ferguson will have to pay for a justice department monitor for at least three years. they have to hire staff to maintain data on arrests and use of force incidents and recruit a more diverse police force. shark attacks had been all-time high last year. there were 59 in the u.s. alone in 2015, according to a study by the for the museum of natural history. this beats the 2012 record of 53 shark attacks. out of the total number of attacks, we saw 16 in the carolinas. geoff: for all of you coffee lovers, especially those who love chocolate toppings, starbucks is announcing three new chocolate drinks all this week until february 14. you can get the molten chocolate
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frappucciono and the molten hot chocolate. you like that?
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chocolate. >> now, your live super doppler 4 hd forecast. dale: 5:58 the time as a lookout out from the peace center skycam back to the city of greenville. clear and cold. temperatures in the 20's in the upstate, teens in the mountains and it feels colder. counties highlighted in blue under wind chill advisories, so bundled up. kids need a warm coat this morning. 22 will get up to 40 and the breeze makes it feel colder. teens in the mountains, flurries until 8:00 and windy and cold with 25 the expected happy today in the mountains. we are talking serious winter
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for today. dress warmly as you head outdoors. geoff: thank you. allyson: in this morning's buzz, an incredible super bowl win celebration. geoff: massive orange in denver where thousands filled the streets to welcome home the world champions. some kind of site. the mayor denver said roughly 650,000 people were on hand to see the lombardi trophy and to hear from the team. the mayor and governor had a joint proclamation and made the day in honor of the coach. it is too bad for the carolina panthers. allyson: maybe soon. dale: what a crowd. geoff: incredible. let's get this morning's headlines. the granite state had its turn
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are heading to south carolina. allyson: high-speed chase across the upstate this morning ended in cherokee county. you are seeing video from our s.c. dot cameras showing the end of that chase. troopers tell us the suspect stopped and was arrested on interstate 85 in gaffney near milemarker 92. that is two miles past the outlets. we've reached out to the highway patrol for more information and will bring you that as it comes in. geoff: but first, we turn to the bitter cold. on the left is video we showed you yesterday of downtown blowing rock from on the right is how it looked just a few hours ago there after more snow moved into the north carolina mountains yesterday. and now it's simply cold with bitter winds thoughout the cash throughout the -- throughout the mountains the upstate and northeast georgia. let's get a check of what to expect throughout the day now from dale. good morning. dale: good morning. you expect snow in the north carolina mountains, but we had
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