tv WYFF News 4 5am NBC February 11, 2016 5:00am-5:30am EST
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chilly us -- be the chilliest today. the mountains still have 15-20 mile-per-hour winds. boone is 13 degrees. it is 17 degrees in marshall. brevard, 21 degrees. when you factor in of that breeze, it really drops the temperatures to single digits. in boone's case, it feels like negative seven degrees. the afternoon will get into the mid 40's for the upstate, which is better than yesterday, and mid to upper 30's expected for the mountains. we will talk about the weekend and monday in just a few minutes. allyson: it is certainly chilly out there. geoff: when it is freezing, you
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aly myles has more. aly: i am definitely looking forward to the 40 degree temperatures. right now we are not even close to that. we have a clear night with no fog. there is no fire behind me at the county bank. this usually has a flame on top. as you can see right now, the fire is completely out and we have a fountain filled with icicles. extreme, extreme cold this morni ng. we are a couple blocks from the bus station and from the peace center, where the candidates will be on saturday. you will want to bundle up today. parents, bundle your kids up because right now it is about 25 degrees, but it feels colder with that wind. with this cold, you could have hypothermia or frostbite if you
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allyson: thank you. covering our commitment 2016 news. the gop candidates continue their trips through the palmetto state. geoff: about 5000 people gathered last night in pendleton. trump averages a 16 point lead in the south carolina polling. trump spoke with the crowd last night about the military, education, immigration, and money. trump: by the way, i am more militaristic than anybody in this room. i am a big, big, big fan of the military. people are tired of losing in this country. we are losing all the time. people are tired of stupidity and incompetence. we are not going to have it anymore. geoff: he will attend a rally in
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allyson: marco rubio will be in simpson phil this afternoon speaking at southside christian school. yesterday he attracted a crowd of supporters at the spartanburg marriott. he told the crowd that if elected, he would get rid of obamacare, rebuild the military, and defend the constitution. rubio says he's not going to let his performance in the recent debate effect saturday's south carolina debate. rubio: this will be our ninth debate. we are prepared and we are ready. i know what i believe in. i hope they ask us good policy questions. it's time for some policy debate in this campaign. allyson: as a rubio spoke inside, two men in robot costumes drew some attention outside. they're from a democratic super political action committee. they say they came from new hampshire to highlight chris christie's point that rubio acts like a robot with memorized speeches. ben carson will be in gaffney today speaking at the american apps meeting from 3:00 through 4:00 p.m. at the gaffney visitors center. he along with ted cruz are expected at winthrop university
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geoff: john kasich, who finished second in the new hampshire primary, is expected to campaign in south carolina until monday. last night he was in the low country trying to build momentum. >> and when the time comes to vote in south carolina, however it u-boat, boat with your heart -- however you vote, vote with your heart and your head. this is not a horse race where you have to pick a winner. this is not a horse race where you've got money on who's going to come in first. i need your support, i need your help here geoff: he is not a fan of campaigning, saying it didn't negative help the other candidates in new hampshire. allyson: carly fiorina suspended her campaign. fiorina was the only woman in the republican field. however, she struggled to build support in the crowded primary field. the new jersey governor chris christie also dropped out of the race. the announcement comes after his sixth-place finish in new hampshire. geoff: here is a look at the seven republican candidates
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they are donald trump, ted cruz, marco rubio, ben carson, jeb bush, john kasich, and jim gilmore. allyson: this coming saturday, to greenville. it's the final debate before the republican south carolina primary election on february 20. again, that debate is saturday night at the peace center. the democrats running for president will debate tonight. that debate will be in milwaukee. it will be the sixth time bernie sanders and hillary clinton will meet in debate. tonight's debate, which will be produced by pbs news hour, comes just days after sanders's victory in the new hampshire primary. the candidates now shift their focus to nevada and south carolina. geoff: after the new hampshire primary and before south carolina's first in the south primary, pollsters are trying to get a read on the american voter. national pollster and public policy expert peter hart is in the upstate all week as a fellow in residence at furman university. he's teaching students and listening too for the issues and
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the millennial generation. we asked him about the challenges he and other pollsters face this election cycle. >> the hardest thing is, how to you get an accurate cross-section? at this stage of the game it is much harder to reach people. we tend to have to reach through cell phones, that is a harder reach. and many people are going online. there is a whole new medium and at this stage, the new rules are coming in a. geoff: hart says with social media it is much easier to find people who you agree with. he says that also makes it harder for groups with different opinions to reach agreement. and you'll get a chance this evening to see peter hart at work and the chance is as close as your phone or your computer. wyff 4 is teaming up with the riley institute at furman university for a commitment 2016 voter focus group with peter hart. this is an exclusive live
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place in our wyff 4 studios. it will include upstate voters who will weigh in on the upcoming first in the south presidential primaries. nationally known pollster peter hart works with national news organizations, including nbc news. you can watch this exclusive event tonight, beginning at 7:00 live streaming on, as well as on our mobile app. allyson: dale is joining us again. you say snow and everybody gets excited, but it is not sticking around, right? dale: first, we will get a blast of cold air saturday and sunday. we then have moisture coming in on monday. that could convert to snow by monday afternoon. we will be watching that closely and bring you more updates. in spartanburg currently, 21
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as a look from woffoarrd -- as we look from wofford back to gibbs field, it is very cold. we saw a couple flurries along the tennessee and north carolina border. some of the most recent were in northern madison county. we have wind chill advisories in the mountains today. it is not quite as windy in the upstate, but we can see 10-20 mile-per-hour winds in the mountains. greenwood is currently reporting 25 degrees. 26 degrees in laurens. dress warmly, it is a chilly morning that will struggle to get into the 40's for the upstate. the mountains will stay in the 30's today. in the mountains, the winds makes the temperatures field like single digits -- makes me temperatures feel like single
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tomorrow we have highs from 41 through 45. on saturday colder air blows back in. on sunday, we have highs in of the 30's. and monday afternoon after 2:00 in the upstate, that is when we have a 60% chance of snow showers. it will remain in the 30's on monday and then reached 52 degrees on tuesday. we have got some nice weather to look forward to after this weekend and the first of next week. allyson: thank you, dale. have you noticed gas prices are down? how much you can save this year. geoff: a 93-year-old world war ii veteran and his wartime
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if you're doing everything right but find it harder and harder to get by, you're not alone. while our people work longer hours for lower wages, almost all new income goes to the top 1%. my plan -- make wall street banks and the ultrarich pay their fair share of taxes, provide living wages for working people, ensure equal pay for women. i'm bernie sanders. i approve this message because together, we can make a political revolution and create an economy and democracy that works for all
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parents and teachers in pickens county schools are runningallyson: parents and teachers in pickens county schools are running out of time. they're trying to derail plans to close three schools. a crowd of 300 students, parents, and teachers met with school officials at ambler elementary yesterday to speak against the proposal. the school district of pickens county is considering closing three under enrolled schools . ambler, a.r. lews and holly springs elementary schools. the district says it will save almost $12 million over five years. parents believe closing the school could have a negative
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>> we want our children to stay at our small school where they are thriving academically. our test scores prove that a small environment and the student-teacher ratio works well for us. allyson: a vote on the proposal by the board of trustees is scheduled for monday night. geoff: a judge will not decide whether any laws were broken in -- a judge will now decide whether any laws were broken in the decision to close another upstate school. parents of students at tamassee-salem middle and high school say the oconee county school district had a hand in declining attendance rates. the attorney for the district says nothing unlawful has been done. parents say the whole thing has been deceitful. >> the whole idea is to shine light into darkness. i feel there were a lot of dark deeds underneath that we are trying to reveal the truth. geoff: officials say closing the school saves the district 3/4 of $1 million each year. the judge's decision is expected
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allyson: it is risky to rob someone when they have a camera pointed at you. dale: clear and cold this morning. we will talk about this weeken looking great and stepping out with confidence includes having beautiful feet. my newest beauty routine secret starts in the shower. discover the latest innovation from amop\. the new pedi perfect wet & dry. now get effortless hard skin removal on dry or wet skin. plus, it has 2 speeds and it's rechargeable. the easy way for touchably soft feet. suits me and my new shoes.
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announcer: now, your live super doppler 4 hd weather forecast. dale: 5:18 is the time as a look from our peace center skycam. it is 25 degrees in greenville and winds are calm. as winds increase across the mountains, boy, it makes it feel cold. the windier weather is in western north carolina where we can see 10-25 mile-per-hour winds. the county is highlighted in blue have those wind chill advisories, which continue until late morning before the sun has a chance to raise the temperatures into the 30's.
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degrees in hendersonville. anderson is reporting 27 degrees. it is 24 degrees in salem this morning. by the end of the day, temperatures in the upstate will get into the 40's and the mountains will see mid to upper 30's by the afternoon. again, 15-25 mile-per-hour winds will definitely make it feel colder. it feels like six degrees in hendersonville and 18 degrees in greenville. here's a quick look at what we normally see this time of the year. the average at gsp is in the mid 50's for the afternoon. not today. see. the mountain averages 50 degrees, that today 34-38 will be the best we see in the mountains and foothills. another blast of cold air is
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it will not happen on saturday or sunday, but it will happen on monday. another low is arriving in the area to mix with that and by monday afternoon, we have a 60% chance of snow flurries. it will warm back up on tuesday and wednesday. it will be a one day deal. if enough falls on monday night, driving tuesday morning. mperatures are in the 40's in the upstate and mid to upper 30's in the mountains. tomorrow, it will be 40's again and the upstate and a little bit better in the mountains. on sunday it remains in the 30's for highs. on monday afternoon, that is when we have a 60% chance of snow with 35-38 as the anticipated highs. we then approach of the low 50's on tuesday and we are back to the mid 50's on wednesday.
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the community town hall will meet today about a north carolina company looking to dump coal ash in pickens county. a company called mrr pickens has sued the county for $25 million after it's land permit was suspended last month county officials did it after learning coal ash would be dumped on the site near highway 93 and cartee road. mrr pickens has given county council at least 14 days to negotiate a plan to buy back the land. there will be a community town hall with lawmakers tonight from 6:00 to 8:00 at the liberty civic auditorium. geoff: many of you asked about this and we went looking for answers in at the case of a talk owner won't be charged for shooting the dog. you may remember amara, a two-year-old boxer. the dog was found shot in the head in the townville area, deputies say the owner shot the dog because of her aggressive behavior. so, they decided to put her down. they say the owner felt for a heartbeat. they did not feel one and thought the dog was dead and so, left her. 19 days later the dog was picked up by animal control. deputies say amara became emaciated after being shot.
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being taken care of beforehand. >> once we got all those facts, we sat down with the magistrate and reviewed the laws and statutes. the magistrate also found no crumble wrongdoing according to our statutes. geoff: deputies gave us this picture of a healthy amara taken before she weaned her puppies in late december, a short time before she was shot. allyson: in spartanburg, county dispatch tells us crews responded to a fire at mary black hospital. it happened just after 6:00 last night. a hospital spokesperson says the fire started in a dumpster outside the emergency room. the er was evacuated as a precaution. no word of any injuries. geoff: a robbery was caught on camera at the scotchman convenience store back in january. the two suspects here are
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walking into the convenience store. one suspect is armed. deputies say it is an assault rifle. according to the store manager, the suspects made off with $60. allyson: customs agents have seized almost 2400 counterfeit hoverboards at the port of charleston. u.s. customs and border protection says that the boards were seized at the docks last month. this is file video from a bust in chicago. the hoverboards were made in china and violate federal trademark laws. the retail price for that amount of authentic hoverboards is an estimated $1.6 million. geoff: 5:23 on this thursday morning. it's time now for your wyff news 4 timeline on this february 11. on this date in 2006, adventurer steve fossett set another world record. this one was for the greatest distance flown without landing or refueling. allyson: steve fossett's flight started in florida, circled the globe, and then across the atlantic again to land in england.
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it is cold here, but even colder in the mountains. we have school closures and delays on the bottom of the screen. reporter: it is the ship that sailed into the equivalent of a category four hurricane. today, and some of the seas is back here in new jersey. more than 4,500 passengers who thought they were taking a week vacation, say it was anything but. we are talking to them. what they have to say, what
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carolina until late morning. temperatures in the 20's for the upstate will reach 46 for the afternoon. like breeze out of the west, southwest with 10 to 20 mile per hour wind in the mountains. teens feel like single digits and it will get into the mid 30's for the afternoon. everybody needs to dress warmly today. time for dale's school salute. we have two school salutes today from abbeville. celebrating the 100th day of school this is mrs. glace and , ms. chrisley's kindergarten students at long cane primary . they made 100 day hats with tens frames, showing all the ways to make 10 while learning that 10 tens make 100. mrs. bowman and mrs. hutchens' k4 class at diamond hill elementary also celebrated being 100 days smarter last week. [laughter] thank you percent in those pictures. geoff: thank you. in this morning's buzz, the
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war two that -- vet from the u.s. and his wartime girlfriend after more than 70 years apart. allyson: norwood thomas landed in the southern city of adelaide to reunite with 88-year-old joyce morris yesterday. morris was a 17-year-old british girl and thomas was a 21-year-old paratrooper when they first met in london shortly before d-day. they lost touch after the war, but finally reconnected via skype last year. hear what norwood had to say about reconnecting with his lost love. >> how are you feeling at the moment? >> >> feeling a little nervous. >> are you excited by it all? >> oh, yes. >> what's the first thing you're going to do? >> i'm going to give her a squeeze. allyson: i wish we had the video of the reuniting, but we don't have any video. geoff: how did that not happen? i guess he didn't give her a good squeeze. allyson: i'm sure he did.
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so many years later they got to meet. allyson: still nervous. geoff: we are sorry we don't have that video. guess it wasn't available. allyson: wyff news 4 continues. [captioning made possible by wyff-tv] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] allyson: you are waking up to a cold morning. colder than normal temperatures or the day. winter weather coverage, straight ahead. >> this school is so different. you can feel the difference when you walk through that door and that is why we are here. geoff: lots of the motion of pickens county is the community fights to save three elementary schools. allyson: gop candidates make the
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