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tv   Today  NBC  February 17, 2016 10:00am-11:00am EST

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17th, 2016. i'm willie with al, natalie and tamron. we have a great crowd on the plaza. this is my morning jam. great song. " "losers" by the weekend featuring labrinth. get the clean version if you're playing it with kids, is what i'll say. there is a showdown between apple and the fbi. a federal judge has ordered apple to help the fbi unlock the phone of san bernardino mass shooter syed farook. authorities trying to fill in 18 missing minutes of farook and his wife tashfeen's whereabouts on the day. the company said it's cooperating with the fbi but will fight the order. cook said the united states government has demanded apple take an unprecedented step,
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we oppose this order which has implications far beyond the legal case at hand. cook told cbs's "60 minutes" in december that opening phones to the government makes us all vulnerable. here's what he said. >> on your smartphone today, your iphone, there's likely health information, there's financial information, and you should have the ability to protect it. the only way we know how to do that is to encrypt it. why is that? it's because if there's a way to get in, then somebody will find a way in. >> basically, tim cook and apple are saying, we don't want to begin to explore the idea of hacking into a backdoor because then that's out there. the technology exists. >> it's creating a master key of encryption. >> right. a lot of people watch this and say, can't you get into the one phone without putting the rest of us at risk? that's the back and forth that's happening now. >> it's similar to what happened after 9/11, with the
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act. how far are you willing to go? how much of your security? as a result, we learned a lot more about the nsa than we as americans wanted them to do. whatever you think of snowden, he was part of opening our eyes to that. interesting. >> the government is basically worried about built-in security software that could auto delete all the data on the phone when they try to crack it. then they're out for good and can't get the information they need. in the months later but in the middle of an investigation, if you're trying to track somebody down. >> if they could take the phone physically, fbi agents, go to apple, watch over them while they do it and give the phone back. >> it's not that simple. they're worried that not just the fbi, what the government can do. right now, you may trust the government. ten years from now, you may not trust the government. the otherish shoo ishsue is, once it's
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that secret? can the chinese hack and get the information? it's potential threats internationally, is their point. >> apple, i think, the argument is clearly understandable. but i think in the case where you had terrorists in the country, a lot of people look at it that way and say, yeah, it should be -- >> that was the question after 9/11. >> i can tell you law enforts enforcement in new york and other big cities feel they don't get enough cooperate from the silicon valley companies. the companies are protecting that you are customers first. >> there's a lot of conversation going on about this, including mark zuckerberg. >> we've been watching pope francis, who is visiting mexico. it's a six-day trip to mexico. earlier this week, you saw the touching video of him walking down the al-- from the altar and blessing this wheat child in the wheelchair. it was a touching moment. yesterday, we saw what became a tense moment, actually.
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really get in with the crowds and surround himself with people, as we saw here in the united states when he visited. he gets down in there with people. unfortunately, the situation seemed like it got a little out of hand for him. he was at a western city, greeting the fans at this open-air mass. you see there a person reaching over the barricade and pulling at his robe. he crashes into a man in the wheelchair. the pope got a little peeved, which i think we can all understand. he's 79 years old, too, being pulled and yanked on to a person in a wheelchair. he basically said, don't be selfish. what's wrong with you? stop being so selfish. clearly understandable in that moment. scary for the person in the wheelchair, too. >> i don't think it was about him. i think he was like, watch out for this person in the wheelchair. >> i think it's the first time we saw the pope lose his cool a little bit maybe.
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>> it's a reaction i think any of us would show. >> we love this guy. >> another guy we love on the program who called in here before, prince. now, prince is just not anybody, of course. when prince takes a passport photo, he takes a passport photo. he tweeted this out. prince rogers nelson. >> is that blue steel? >> it's gone viral. he has the afro, he has the cheeks. he has it all going on. >> i mean, the pursed lips, the whole thing. >> the what lips? >> pursed lips. >> it looks like it's for a photo photoshoot. >> it probably was. >> i'm sure it was. >> only prince could have a passport photo like that. >> who is cooler than that guy? i'm racking my brain. >> next time, i'll do the blue steel for my passport photo. you can't smile anymore, right? >> you have to have a neutral
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that's so hard. >> i look like i'm grimacing or like i'm so angry. >> i look like i shouldn't be let in countries. mine is like, don't let her in. the problem is, it's probably lighting, as well. when we mere mortals get our passport, we're on the wall. no light, no nothing. >> he has nice shading, the whole thing. >> contouring. i don't know what's going on there. move on. so this caught our attention. amazeing video of a high flying dunk routine. this is liberty university's soar ministry. they mix acrobatics, trampoline -- >> oh! >> is that crazy? >> central bantist church. that's a church i want to go to. >> it's in virginia. >> look at that, breaks the backboard. >> crazy. >> drop the mic, right? >> everybody say, amen.
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>> through the legs, too. bam! >> incredible. >> good move. >> the church we need to go to and visit, virginia. >> what do you have going on, mr. roker? >> we're going to our facebook wall in the orange room. it's day 16 of our 25 days of give aways. this is a great ize. we've got a nordic track bike from sears, worth $600. we want you to go to's take. you'll see a picture of it. you can like us and register to win. let's see how many people have liked us. 275,000. that's, what, 21,000 up from earlier, from yesterday. that's pretty cool. we're closing in on 300,000. let's let johnny back up here safely, our camera guy. please go to's take. like us. if we get to 300,000 tomorrow, tamron says you can go through her wardrobe. >> no, i didn't.
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>> i didn't say that. no, no, no. lori says it is national act of kindness day. did you know that? >> i did not. i said as an act of kindness -- >> you'll let people go through your wardrobe? >> if we hit a million. >> that's so nice of you. >> not 300,000. oh, my gosh. look at this, jet stream, way up to the north. unseasonally mild weather. possible parts of the southwest seeing records. phoenix, 91 degrees. amarillo, 78. dallas, 74. tomorrow, look at the record highs from the rockies to the plains. 25 to 35 degrees above average. friday, boom! look at this, cleveland, you're at 51. little rock, 70. dallas, 80 degrees. on saturday, the heat continues to move east. new york city, 54. jacksonville, 75. same in jackson. amazing. let's see how many people want a
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getting close! fantastic. that's what's going on around theanderson will be cloudy early then gradual clearing. high today of 55. winds from the north at 5-7. asheville, hendersonville will have a mix of flurries and rain early then gradually clearing to partly cloudy with highs just in the >> >> are we going through? t >> your closet is nice, as well. how about this? 300,000, natalie -- >> oh, oh! you're giving it back to me. >> touche. >> what comes around goes around. >> you can come to my closet.
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t-shirts and boxers. >> gently used. >> derek jeter t-shirts? >> holes are in them. coming up, a little quiz. if you're trying to avoid eating chocolate, is it more effective to, a, think about the chocolate, b, think about something else or, c, tell yourself not to think about the chocolate? >> what about option d, eat the chocolate? >> we'll reveal the answers, and give you strategies to help you kick your bd food habits. medicare part d prescriptions, walgreens says, carpe med diem. seize the day to get more out of life and medicare part d. just switch to walgreens for savings that'll be the highlight of your day. now preview the cost of your copay before you fill. you can even get one-dollar copays on select plans. welcome aboard my starship. ahoy, mateys! it's full of things i love...
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just like chex cereal. it's full of stuff we pirates need. no artificial flavors, and it's gluten-free. eat up, me hearties! keep it down! arrrr. is she after our liquid gold? oh, she better not be. our claim runs straight down to the glut'n free stuffin'. it's gluten. there's gold in them thar shells. liquid gold. . . . . 6x whitening i actually really like the 2 steps. step 1, cleans step 2, whitens. every time i use this together, it felt like... ...leaving the dentist office. crest hd. 6x cleaning, 6x whitening
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brandon thinks hellmann's is heaven in a jar. that's because our ingredients come from... farmers committed to responsibly sourced oils... blended with ingredients like cage-free eggs. mmm. heaven. real ingredients. that's how we're working to bring out the bestst i have asthma... of many pieces in my life. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine, i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents.
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asthma is well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. do not take breo more than prescribed. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. ask your doctor if 24-hour breo could be a missing piece for you. see if you're eligible for 12 months free at bad food habits like the one i have right now, eating this potato chip, can seem very hard to change whether you're an emotional eater, constant snacking or making poor diet choices. >> there are simple strategies to try to get your diet back in check. susan albers is a psychologist at the cleveland clinic and the author of "50 more ways to soothe yourself without food." . susan, good morning. >> good morning. >> hello. >> we're going to play a game.
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each of you has a blender and a nice display of healthy food and unhealthy food. wow. >> to answer my questions, you have to take a handful, put it in your blender, blend it up and i'll call on you if you blend it first. here is the trick, the loser has to drink their's at the end. >> oh, boy. >> okay. you ready? >> yeah. >> which do you eat the least off of. a, red plates, b, blue plates or, c, white plates. >> just put it in? >> white plates. >> tamron! >> red plates. >> actually, it's red plates. that's because when our brain sees the color red, we automatically stop. your new habit is you can actually get rid of the white plates and eat off of red plates. or a napkin, you can have a snack on a red one and it will instantly slow you down. effortless thing to do. question two, if you're trying
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to, a, think about chocolate. b, think about something else. c, tell yourself not to think about chocolate? go. >> i'll go with natalie. what do you think? >> what was b? remind me. >> think about something else. >> that's it. >> our first instinct is to say, don't think about chocolate. but when we think about chocolate, we want it more. >> right. >> find some other distraction. >> that was right? >> okay. >> this one is tricky. >> what are you making, willie? >> you don't want to more. on the couch, or walking while you eat? >> walking while you eat. >> sitting on the couch. no? >> actually, while you are walking, you tend to eat more. the reason, people who ate five
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were standing up than sitting down. >> there's no liquid in here. >> it'll be hard to drink. >> willie keeps putting everything in there. >> cheetos, cucumbers. >> there's an interesting display going on in there. >> uh-huh. >> next question, how long does food provide you with the feel good feeling after you eat it? is it three minutes, ten minutes or two hours? al? >> ten minutes. >> actually, it's only three minutes. it's really a fleeting experience. your new habit is the next time you're eating something, remind yourself, it's going to be really quick. find something else that gives you a better boost. >> time for one more. >> here we go. >> willie is the loser so far. i have one. let's change it. >> willie, you'll have to drink that. >> should you reward yourself with a food trite treat, b, a non-food reward, c, nothing at all? we'll give willie a chance to answer.
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oh, b, of course. >> non-food reward. >> is that right? >> yes. >> tamron has to drink it. >> i got one. you gave me the one, you don't remember that? >> our judges say you have to drink it. >> good luck with that. >> it will be good for all of you. >> susan albers, thanks so much. coming up, sir paul mccartney snubbed on grammy night. what happened? unforgettable car ride with sia. we have your pop fixfter your local news. >> can we just eat one chip? is that okay? >> go for it.about his joints. but now he's taking osteo bi-flex, and noticing a real difference in his joint comfort. the feeling originates in this area... spreads throughout the body... to here, inducing hilariously high levels of embarrassment in his son. he knows it's working by that look of abject humiliation on his son's face. you were made to dance, phil. so dance. shows improved joint comfort in just 7 days.
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made to move. does the smell of a freshly bound presentation fill you with optimism? do you love your wireless keyboard more than certain family members? is your success due to a filing system only you understand? does printing from your tablet to your wireless printer give you a jolt of confidence? if so, you may be gearcentric. someone who knows that the right office gear helps you do great things. and there's one place that has it all. office depot officemax. gear up for great. when we go to the store, i find my box of honey bunches of oats and i'm checking to see if i packaged it. best cereal in the world right there. if the last 3 letters were p22, that's me. i'm chris bosh. when i was sidelined with blood clots in my lung, it was serious. fortunately, my doctor had a game plan. treatment with xarelto . hey guys! hey, finally, somebody i can look up to... ...besides arnie.
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and help reduce the risk of dvt and pe blood clots. xarelto is also proven to reduce the risk of stroke in people with afib, not caused by a heart valve problem. for people with afib currently well managed on warfarin, there's limited information on how xarelto and warfarin compare in reducing the risk of stroke. you know, i tried warfarin, but the blood testing and dietary restrictions... don't get me started on that. i didn't have to. we started on xarelto . nice pass. safety first. like all blood thinners, don't stop taking xarelto without talking to your doctor, as this may increase your risk of a blood clot or stroke. while taking, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer for bleeding to stop. xarelto may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. xarelto can cause serious, and in rare cases, fatal bleeding. get help right away for unexpected bleeding, unusual bruising, or tingling. if you have had spinal anesthesia while on xarelto , watch for back pain or any nerve or muscle related signs or symptoms. do not take xarelto if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures.
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tell your doctor about any kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. you know xarelto is the #1 prescribed blood thinner in its class. that's a big win. it is for me. with xarelto there is no regular blood monitoring and no known dietary restrictions. treatment with xarelto ... ...was the right move for us. ask your doctor about xarelto . give extra. get extra. here we go. ready?
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james corden got behind the wheel for another edition of car pool karaoke. this time, his passenger was sia. they had fun with her trademark wig. >> sia, it's james! how are you doing? >> you are a beauty. a beautyious thing. >> i feel great. >> it's comforting. like a head hug. >> you can't even see the level of dance i'm doing now. >> oh, my gosh, you're powerful. stranger things >> in the clip, sia also explains why she's also -- or always hiding behind the wall of hair. she says she's trying to maintain a little privacy, which is the one thing missing in pop music, in her opinion. for those of you who are curious, sia has posed without her wig.
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look at that beautiful face. cheers to seeia. loving privacy there. we invaded it by showing it, anyway. who wouldn't want paul mccartney at their party? the singer was trying to enter a grammys after party where tyga was performing. here is actually what happened. >> how vib dop do we got to get? >> they won't let you in? >> we need another hit, guys. work on it. >> we need another hit. work on it. after the video went viral yesterday, tyga told fans he didn't control the door and had no idea sir paul was there. even went on jimmy kimmel live last night last to invite paul
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paul was actually at the wrong party, it was said. even so, you're the doorman, it's paul mccartney, what? okay. moving on. even 2-year-olds have their diva moments. check out what happened when photo happy mom, kim kardashian west, tried to get her daughter to sit for a picture. >> what? >> no picture. >> why? >> oh, oh! >> falling apart. >> that was amazing. >> her mom posted that. in kim's defense, who wouldn't want to capture that image of north in her mini fur coat and boots? no pictures. is that often said in that home. anyway, getting ready to go live earlier this week, fox announced a portion of an upcoming episode of "the simpsons," in his 27th season,
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live segment where homer will answer fan questions. how will the animators pull this off? according to the executive producer, they'll use motion sensor technology. while dan, who plays homer, does the voice live, it will be the first time an animated series has done something like all year long you worked hard to take care of business and take care of the people who matter most. so when your tax refund arrives, make it go a little further at walmart. from electronics, to home decor, even tires, get low prices on everything you need to get more fun out of your tax refund. walmart.
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so i switched to tide 1026 anderson co. deputies are searching for a shooter..... after a convenience store clerk was shot in the chest during a robbery overnight in anderson. deputies say it happened just after 2am at the hickory point b-p on highway 187. officials say the clerk called 9-1-1 after the shooting. they say he was taken to anmed for surgery. deputies believe there are two suspects in the case, both white males wearning hoodies... and the clerk told them, both men had red bandannas covering their faces. you'll find more on their descriptions at laurens county deputies say they are looking for two men accused in a shooting this morning. investigators say two men entered a home along christian drive and shot the homeowner. his wife and child were in the home at the time. the
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greenville memorial with a gunshot wound to the leg. deputies do not have a good description of the suspects. the investigation is ongoing. the roof of the waterside crossing clubhouse on lake keowee collapsed during a fire this morning. assistant fire chief brandon shirley with keowee fire department.... says the fire was reported just after 2 a.m. and when firefighters arrived ....they found heavy flames coming from the roof of the clubhouse. he said while they were fighting the fire ....the roof collapsed. shirley said the fire was probably burning for 30 to 40 minutes before they arrived. no one was injured. greenville, spartanburg, anderson will be cloudy early then gradual clearing. high today of 55. winds from the north at 5-7. asheville, hendersonville will have a mix of flurries and rain early then gradually clearing to partly cloudy with highs just in the mid 40s today. winds from the northwest at 7-10+. overnight lows will get cold under clear skies, lows of 26 to 32 in the area. sunny for thursday, typical highs of 50 to 56, and
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taking a look at the headlines. the fda is recommending travelers who have gone to countries affected by the zika virus to hold off on donating blood a while. it wants the people to wait a month before donating blood to help protect the u.s. blood supply. in addition, people with zika-like symptoms, such as a rash, should put off blood donations for a month. a government-backed task force is calling for more research before deciding whether or not to recommend autism screening for young children, even when they don't show symptoms. many pediatricians already do
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between 18 and 30 months, but the task force says it is impossible to say if this helps or hurts. about 1 in 68 children in the u.s. now have a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder, and they say more study is needed before any recommendations are made. the list is in. for the fourth year in a row, nordstrom is america's favorite fashion retailer. that according to a market survey of more than 5700 consumers. marshals moved up five shots to number two. h and m tied for third. when high school orchestra was stranded at the airport, students passed the time the only way they know how. >> that is the american fork high school orkchestra from utah. they spent four days at the nation's capital and performed at the kennedy center.
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flight back left. left with no hotel or transportation wharks do transportation, what do the kids do? they played a concert there in the terminal for the enjoyment of all to see. let's get a check of the weather from al. >> that is awfully neat. thanks so much, natalie. we have a clipper coming across, bringing light snow. we also have heavy rain for the pacific northwest all the way down to california. let's go in and see how we're doing on our facebook page.'s take. how many people have liked us? close to 280,000. if you go and register, you have a chance to win a nordic track bike. greenville, spartanburg, anderson will be cloudy early then gradual clearing. high today of 55. winds from the north at 5-7. asheville, hendersonville will have a mix
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gradually clearing to >> that is your latest weather. spring might be coming early but it's not here yet. still feels like winter around these parts. the freezing temperatures are going to wreak havoc on our cars and homes. we have george here, host of george to the rescue. this is the case from shrinkage is a good thing. >> exactly. most cold air goes out your window. i have this thermal gun right here. if you want to shoot it at the window window, you'll see it's like 62 degrees, something like that. shoot it inside the studio. >> 81. >> almost 90% of all heat goes out your windows and doors. hopefully --
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>> easiest way to combat that is with this plastic shrink wrap. double side tape, hit it with a blow-dryer. it gets super tight and it'll help. >> a lot of air comes through the outlets. >> people don't realize when it's against an exterior wall or light switch, you're losing up to 20% of the heat. if you want to combat that, put a foam thing on. turn off the electricity first. >> yes, good. >> literally, it's as easy as taking off your light speculate and put it on. it's going to combat the cold air coming in. >> going outside andou have a shovel. >> it wouldn't be a "today" show segment if i wasn't here with a shovel. wd-40 silicone is the best. also pam cooking oil. spray it on the edge. >> boom. >> good way to go. >> can you pretreat your sidewalk with this? >> put it on before the snow comes. use a plant and pet friendly
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>> george, thanks so much. we're talking cold car problems here. car coach, lauren, always good to see you. >> thank you. >> i want to warm up the car. we've been doing this for years and generations. go in the driveway, turn it on and let it run. good or bad idea? >> two minute it is all you need. start it up, clean off the snow and ice, make sure i can see your taillights and head lights and head off. >> why can't i get the car warm? >> first off, you need to know there is an actual crime ring going around, looking for people who leave their cars running in their driveway or on the street. it's a gift. they jump in the car and take it. it would be a scary situation. >> people drive around and look for running cars in driveways and take off with them? >> it's up 30%. >> is it badador the car, to let it idle that long in the driveway? >> it's not good for the engine and you're getting zero miles to the gallon.
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of gas. why? >> below, you're creating moisture in the gas tank from the heating and cooling of starting the car and shutting it off. around a half tank, it won't have fuel line freeze up and will keep you from getting the car started. >> do you bundle up the kids? >> put them in the car seat, buckle them up, put a blanket over them. use the heated heats if you have them. it's the smartest way to go. you want to be safe with your kids. >> thank you very much. natalie? so you're home and your car is toasty. what about you? here with ways to stay warm without sacrificing style is the style director for "good housekeeping" magazine. good morning. >> good morning. >> all about the coat. i actually have one of these. >> you're in a great coat. this is from northface. inflated, it traps the hot air so you stay warm.
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winter coat. they're 30% cheaper than what that would have been at the start of the season. this is a three-in-one parka. it has a removable liner. this isn't just a vest. >> you can take it out? >> it's full jacket liner. under $150. keeps you super warm. the parka is trendy for this season. >> you'll show us how to do a scarf the right way. >> exactly. >> i try to figure this out. >> under $12. put it behind your neck, wrap it around, tie a knot. >> over and under. >> so it's up against your neck. >> if you don't want to do all the tying, you can do the snood. >> everyone are wearing these. super chic and will keep you warm. >> all about waterproofing. >> this is the boot of the winter. a lot are on sale now.
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i'm wearing a pair now. they have heels and wedges but they also have the sole. you'll look chic and stay warm. >> we're out of time. we'll put the rest on the website. lori, thank you so much. >> thank you so much. he's got a tiny part in "zoolander 2." now, fred is here, larger than life. we'l let the moment stop you. not the miles. the jeep grand cherokee with a 730-mile range. the most awarded, rewarding suv ever. (brian)i'm brian. i was in the military for 18 years. but i smoked. and i got heart disease.
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when you're too weak to put on your uniform. (announcer)you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now. the citi double cash card comes in very handy with cash back twice on purchases. earn once when you buy, and again as you pay. that's cash back now, and cash back again later. it's cash back d\j vu. the citi double cash card. the only card that lets you earn cash back twice on every purchase with 1% when you buy and 1% as you pay. with two ways to earn, it makes a lot of other cards seem one sided. there's something to be said for exploring the world around you. why should snacking be any different? discover all nine flavors of our creamy cheese and tap into your curiosity. the laughing cow.
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dad, can you help me with this? sure, riley...uggh...ah-choo! oooh! disgusting!! eeawww! so gross! germmmmssss!! great, this is just great! guys, it's alright! when life gets messy, get clorox. it cleans and kills germs. and now bring home disney pixar's inside out. with advil, you'll ask what backache?
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what headache? what bad shoulder? advil makes pain a distant memory.. nothing works faster stronger or longer than advil it's the world's #1 choice. what pain? advil. i thought activia wasn't for me. until i realized how much our digestive systems handle during winter. 90 stressful days juggling hectic schedules. over 40 meals of heavy comfort foods like baked mac & cheese. no wonder after all that our digestive systems can act up. so try the activia two week challenge! enjoying activia twice a day for two weeks may help reduce the frequency of bloating, gas, discomfort or rumbling. try it! it works in two weeks or it's free.
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"snl" alum fred armisen, a talented and busy man, is starring in "portlandia," which is amaze skpg youing and you can't love it. he's leading the band with seth meyers every night. somehow, fred found time to make 2." character. fred, good morning. >> good morning. >> his name is v-i-p but he's vip. what's his deal? >> he's an 11-year-old child. the way they shot it was, you know, nowadays, with cgi, you don't have to always be in front of a green screen. they can shrink you down on the set.
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the thing with those scenes are, i had to look up while they looked down. >> a lot of hard work, to look up while they look down. >> hard job i have. very, very hard job. >> it's like doing your own stunts. >> it is very much so. i hurt my eyes. >> speaking of hurting y yr eyes, watching you in "portlandia," i can't take my eyes off you. you are a camellia, playing so many characters. is there something about that that you enjoy doing? playing so many people? >> i have no real personality. you know, the whole thing is so much fun for me. the same thing when i was doing "snl." it's like i get to put on wigs and be different characters. nothing better. >> where do you come up with the characters? are they inspired by people you meet, conversations you overhear? >> i think it's from people i
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i'll see something online, on tv, if i'm traveling, i'll hear someone from another country that sometimes forms that. sometimes, i have no idea. no idea where something comes from. it's like a matter of luck. >> wow. >> always fun about "portlandia" is hipsters love that show. rightly so. i'm like, you know he's making fun of you, right? >> it's more of a tribute. the characters are very much like ourselves. it's not that different. a lot of characters are pretty much the way that i am and we are. >> you do great accents. for example, you can differentiate between the bronx, brooklyn and long island. >> i'm an expert. >> what's the difference? >> brooklyn is in here. bronx is down here. bronx, there's more -- it's a little louder. more confident. long island, a lot of, um, pausing. um, and --
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>> a little bit of that. queens is more like this. >> nasally. >> that's the sort of, you know, in the treble. queens is here. >> treble and bass. >> right. >> it's all about the bass. >> a great linguist on top of everything else. fred armisen, one of the funniest people on the planet. congrats on the movie. "zoolander 2" starring vip, his character, is in theaters now, than thanks. >> thanks, guys. the organ i guess i never really gave much thought to the acidity in any foods. never thought about the coffee i was drinking having acids. it never dawned on me that it could hurt your teeth. my dentist has told me your enamel is wearing away, and that sounded really scary to me, and i was like well can you fix it, can you paint it back on, and he explained that it was not something that grows back, it's kind of a one-time shot and you have to care for it. he told me to use pronamel. it's gonna help protect the enamel in your teeth. it allows me to continue
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i know, it's like they're always on television. what? . over 30,000 people in the united states live with a life threatening lung condition that severely limits the ability to breathe. it's called sis stickcystic fibrosis. a young woman lives in alabama. here's angel lynn's story. 14-year-old angel lynn lokadu is smart, sassy and full of life but over the last few years angel's spark was fading fast. she suffers from cystic fibrosis fibrosis. it severely limits her ability to breathe. >> it was like breathing through a straw. i coughed a lot. i had less energy. i was not at my top.
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2014 angel lynn's lung function rapidly declined. she was admitted to the uad hospital in birmingham, alabama, where doctors had no choice pu to place her on echmo. >> i didn't believe i was worthy or anything but because i had my family and supporters and all of my praerers, i was able to maintain my mental strongness. >> reporter: the rigorous treatment to save angel lynn's lungs caused irreversible damage to her heart, meaning she not only needed a double lung transplant, she needed a new heart, too. >> i had prayed that i would finally have a match. >> it was hard because we needed somebody -- you can't give your heart and live, you can't give your lungs and live. it was not like we were waiting on a live donor. we had to wait for someone to
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to live. >> reporter: she waited for 95 days on the organ transplant list and finally a match came this past november from a most unexpected place. a 26-year-old woman named courtney harris from alabama was living with a potentially fatal brain condition called hydrocephalus. courtney quickly lost her life. >> courtney was a loving soul. she was -- she was sweet. she always had a smile on her face. she loved her family. she was a proud military lifewife. >> she just loved life itself. >> in a stunning twist of fate courtney's aunt attended the same church and courtney's family had already been praying for angel lynn so on november 10th when courtney passed away, angel lynn's prayers were answered. the two were a perfect match. >> what that did for angel lynn, it allowed her to get a total
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received our daughter's heart and both lungs as opposed to the typical heart and one lung, so that's a miracle in and of itself. >> they lost a child and no matter how close i came to losing a child, i still don't know how that feels. all i can kind of do is hope that the fact that angel lynn is doing well, you know, can help ease their loss a little bit. >> if courtney's zest for life that now lives on in angel lynn. >> it still hurts. the one thing that's helped me throughout all of this is angel lynn. strong. the first time i heard her name and saw her faceboo page i knew that this is how i was going to get through. >> going home? >> i'm going home. i'm finally going home. >> reporter: angel lynn's doctors hope her new heart and lungs will last for years to come. >> hello there. >> reporter: last month's
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angel lynn. >> yes, ma'am. we appreciate that so much. you don't know what it means. you don't know what it means. >> i'm going to graduate high school. i'm going to graduate college. i'm going to grow up. i've got a new guardian angel and now that i have her heart and her lungs i have a new beginning. >> beautiful story. well, courtney saved or enriched the lives of six people upon her death and the number climbs to more than 100 people who were helped by her soft tissue donation. we'll be right back. this is "today" on nbc.c. if you're doing everything right but find it harder and harder to get by, you're not alone. while our people work longer hours for lower wages, almost all new income goes to the top 1%. my plan -- make wall street banks and the ultrarich pay their fair share of taxes, provide living wages for working people, ensure equal pay for women. i'm bernie sanders. i approve this message because together,
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and create an economy and democracy that works for all
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how's our facebook page? so close to 280,000. fantastic. tamron has an almost smucker's birthday. >> oh. happy birthday to ya >> glad you made it. >> i got worried when i didn't see you.
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>> happy birthday. >> thank you. >> happy birthday.
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>> exactlyat 1057 firefighters were called to a construction equipment rental building after neighbors reported hearing explosions overnight. crews said the explosions were reported around 1:30 this morning at sunbelt rentals on pearman dairy road in anderson county. two fire stations responded and had the fire out in about 30 minutes. no one was in the building at the time... and no injuries were reported. be sure to join us
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local breaking news....dale. greenville, spartanburg, anderson will be mostly sunny and breezy. high today of 55. winds from the north at 7-15+. asheville, hendersonville will be mostly sunny and cool today with highs just in the mid 40s today. winds from the northwest at 7-20+. overnight lows will get cold under clear skies, lows of 26 to 32 in the area. sunny for thursday, typical highs of 50 to 56, and warmer, sunny days ahead for the weekend. greenville, spartanburg, anderson will be mostly sunny and breezy. high today of 55.
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hmm hmm hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm-hmm let us be lovers, we'll marry our fortunes together [ cheering ] i've got some real estate here in my bag counting the cars on the new jersey turnpike they've all come to look for america [ cheers and applause ] all come to look for america
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all come to look for america i'm bernie sanders, and i approve this message. today on the "meredith" show. you will not believe the reason to court. then the karate kid ralph macchio is here. and looking back on the iconic role that made him famous. and how to transition in the favorite hollywood home. it startsight now on meredith. [applause]
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feel real good. [applause] >> meredith: thank you. you are so sweet and you are all drunk and i love. it how many of you love the movie "karate kid" growing up. and ralph macchio is here in the studio. and we are so excited he's here and we came up with a brand new game just for him, we'll talk about "what's hot now". >> meredith: we have a bunch of die- hard ralph macchio fans here.


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