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tv   Today  NBC  February 26, 2016 10:00am-11:00am EST

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gee yan giada. we'll get you ready for the academy awards with an oscars showdown. all that and more coming up now. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today's take" with al roker, natalie morales, willie geist and tamron hall, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> welcome to "today." friday morning, february 26th, 2016. feeling a little more like winter today than it has this week. i'm willie along with natalie. dylan dreyer with us. tamron is covering the presidential campaign. al is in miami for the south beach wine and food festival. we'll talk to al. he'll get cooking with giada in a few minutes. dylan, new chose the jam. >> "queen of the night," little whitney houston. >> gets you fired up on a friday. >> throwback. >> i love it. >> where does it come from? it's a great song but -- >> you get it in your head. >> you'll be queen of the night tonight.
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gets me fired up at 6:00 p.m. show. >> we were equally, like 13." >> he's so cool. he's in a play with his wife. little bit. we have to talk about the republican debate last night in houston. so many people have been calling on marco rubio and ted cruz to go after donald trump. they said, is it too late? what are you waiting for? well, marco rubio did not wait any longer. last night, right out of the box, going very strongly at donald trump. here's a sample of some of the exchanges between the three. >> five things. everyone is dumb. he'll make america great again. win, win, win. winning in the polls. >> senator rubio -- >> inherited $200 million. if heherited $200 million, you know where trump would be?
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>> i find it amazing donald trump thinks he discovered the issue of illegal immigration. when i ran for the state of texas, i promised to lead the fight against amnesty. in 2013, when i was leading the fight against the gang of 8 amnesty bill, where was donald? he was firing dennis rodman on "celebrity apprentice." >> that's just a tiny sample of what went on for two and a half hours. you heard rubio's line, that donald trump would actually be selling watches in new york, basically saying he'd be a hustler on canal street. now marco rubio has a shattered watch on his page. he scored points with the audience. when rubio went after him for allegedly hiring illegal workers at his resort. >> you're the only person on the stage that has been fined for hiring people to work on your projects illegally. >> i'm the only one on the stage that has hired people.
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>> so marco rubio came loaded. research. talked about trump university, talked about why are your clothes made in mexico and china if you say the jobs are going there. >> he did what he had to do, finally. >> he did. the question is, a lot of people are asking, why didn't he do it four months ago? debate. >> at this point, trump is so far ahead of everybody else. the big question is, can they even make up the ground that has been lost all along? >> super tuesday, only a few days away. the evening's viral quote came from carson on replacing antonin scalia. >> i would look at what a person's life has been. what have they done in the past? what judgments have they made? what associations do they have? they will tell you more than an interview will tell you. the fruit salad of their life is what i would look at. >> the fruit salad of their life.
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telling a reporter he misquoted a bible verse, matthew 7:16. by their fruit, you will recognize them. a lot of people talking about that. >> heated and fired up debate. people will see how it plays out on super tuesday. >> a lot of people had to turn it off because it was too much back and forth. just fighting and screaming. >> there was a lot of screaming. at one point, it got to the point where you couldn't even understand who was talking or what they were saying. >> a lot of overtalk. >> we'll see if it matters. oscars this weekend. the predictions, our predictions, and we'll see if they pan out. let's go through some of the big nominees. starting with best bikture turepicture nominee. the big short, bridge of spies, brooklyn, "mad max: fury road," the martian, the revenant, room and spotlight. that's it, right? got them all in there? >> yup. >> here are our predictions. willie and natalie choosing spotlight. al went with the revenant, and i did, too.
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probably right. >> i think everybody is saying that's going to win. the revenant won the golden globe for best drama. the martian won best cam addyomedy. >> screen actors build went to spotlight. that sort of determines how peers think of the film. >> i don't know. >> they're all good movies. all those nominates are great but they're vastly different. different. >> hard to compare spotlight to the revenant. apples and oranges. >> throw in the martian for good measure. >> the revenant was about leo, one man, speaking up. >> he is also up for the best actor nominee, along with bryan cranston cranston, matt damon, michael fassbender and eddie redmayne. >> most people are saying leo is going to get it. >> he's wanted it so badly and
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this time, hopefully he'll finally get it. >> is it weird i voted for him for the revenant and the best actor and i haven't seen the movie yet? i've heard so much about it. >> you have to. >> the buzz is great. >> best actress nominees. cate blanchett, brie larson, jennifer lawrence, charlotte rampling, saoirse ronan. >> like inertia, saoirse. >> i wish you told me that before i tried. everyone said brie. >> i haven't seen "room" either but i've heard good things. >> what have you seen? >> it's great that you're leading this.
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>> it's on demand. >> was it nominate snd. >> robbed again. >> i saw some of these. christian bale, tom hardy, mark ruffalo, mark rylance, sylvester stallone. everyone is obviously saying stallone. >> sentimental but incredible performance. >> surprise if he doesn't win. >> also won the golden globe. best supporting actress, jennifer jason leigh, rooney mara, rachel mcadams, alicia -- >> vikander. >> why am i leading this? >> it's fun to listen. >> kate winslet. >> dave carter said this is a category that could be a surprise. willie, you said kate winslet. >> she was great in "steve jobs." al and i went with alicia vikander. "the danish girl," she was almost equally as important as the lead actor, as eddie redmayne.
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i went the jennifer jason leigh and i actually saw "the hateful eight." and i interviewed her and i liked her. >> great reasons. >> we all revealed we were honest, confessions, very bad parenting moments, things we're not proud of at all. although we could somehow laugh about it the next day. so you all responded. we loved -- we got inundated with so many of your viewer fails, as well. becky said her fail was when her daughter gets her ears repierced and erupts into tears. she reaches into her purse for tissue, nothing except a maxi pad and said, this is all i have. blow your nose. crystal went tubing with friends one weekend and used her son's backpack as a cooler. the following monday, what happens? she gets a call from a camp
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told her that thomas, who is 8, had two unopened bud wiezweisers in his backpack. >> that's my lady right there. >> ashley, this is a good one. her 1-year-old apparently was giving her a run for her money. she put her son into time-out, or not time-out, into the play room with her puppy. she went to take care of the laundry. comes back and something smells like poop. she thought the dog pooped. no, the 1-year-old had poop in his mouth, eating poup inging puppy poop. >> it wasn't his own? >> the puppy's. whose it was. >> i wanted the details. >> there was a lot of people who related to al's story. you weren't here, dylan, but al revealed a time when he and deborah were intimate and his daughter was watching. anyway, one of our viewers also said they shared that
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we'll get to that story. my husband and i were intimate and i heard a smack and our 3-year-old daughter's voice said, what's up, dada. she had smacked my husband on his bare bottom to get his attention. that comes from brenda. >> oh, brenda. >> gets you out of the mood, huh? >> wow. >> turn to the dark there. >> we love them. thank you for being honest with us, as well. i hope it felt as good to everybody else as it did to me yesterday. >> good to get it off your chest, share the moments with people. >> and we were embarrassed but happy to spill them on national television. >> yeah. al, what's going on down there? >> wow. >> yeah. >> well, i'm about to pick a supreme court justice for breakfast breakfast. little fruit salad here. >> oh, okay. i get it. >> you see what i did there? anyway -- >> all comes full circle.
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go. anyway, we are down here for the south beach 15th annual wine and food festival which, of course, is going to be tonight and through the weekend. miami beach, pool side, not too bad. it's a little cool but i'm not going to complain because i know it's 31 degrees there. let's show you what we have going on for today as far as your weather is concerned. we ever look we are looking at milder air making its way east. out west, man, i mean, we're talking possible record-breaking temperatures. if not today, certainly by tomorrow, we'll see warmth. temperatures 20 ss 10 to 2 2 degrees above average. could be 20 to 30 degrees above ss above average in spots. sunday, we're going to be talking about more warm weather coming in here. i mean, toasty, tooesasty, toasty. when we come back, we're going
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chefs here, including trouble. trouble with a capital "t." >> the troubling trio of chefs for you. >> what are you talking about? >> coming up intoday. northwest breezes of 3-7. highs for greenville, spartanburg, anderson reaching 53. the mountains will have some flurries early, watch out for slippery spots on roads, the becoming mostly sunny. high for asheville, hendersonville just reaching 39. winds from the northwest at 14-20+. cold overnight, lows of 25 >> hey, we're back with some fab fabulous chefs. we have our good friend alex. >> good morning. >> we've also got george mendez.
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>> and i think you should change your name to giada las vegas. >> i did. my new name. >> you love coming down to this south beach wine and food festival. what is it about this that makes you keep coming back? >> alex? >> for me to say? >> alex opened a restaurant here now. >> yes. >> it's really fun. honestly, you know, we're new yorkers and we have a californian who needs more sunshine. it's something about miami. the energy, the ingredients, ococn, all together. >> it's the ocean air, i think, down here. i think that it's a chance for everybody to get together who enjoys the same thing, which is food and wine, and all of us who don't normally get to see each other. >> it's the weather for me. >> absolutely. >> running the path along the ocean, come on. >> i'm making a patty melt for the burger bash. i expect your votes. >> oh! i think you've got tricks up
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>> ready to go. >> you'll have a secret ingredient. >> i do. you know what it is? giada las vegas. guys, we'll have more coming up. >> what exactly are you drinking there, my friend? >> it's the essence of giada las vegas. >> oh, my goodness. >> oh, boy. >> save some for me, al. i'll be there soon. >> that kicked in quickly. coming up, her tattoos hold the key to her past on the hit nbc series "blindspot."
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ink of 7 days ago, phil wasn't thinking about dancing. he was thinking about his joints. but now he's taking osteo bi-flex, and noticing a real difference in his joint comfort. the feeling originates in this area... spreads throughout the body... to here, inducing hilariously high levels of embarrassment in his son. he knows it's working by that look of abject humiliation on his son's face. you were made to dance, phil. so dance. shows improved joint comfort in just 7 days. osteo bi-flex.
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happening now? the contoured look. new master contour kit from maybelline new york. contour to define. blush to accent. ... highlight your look. the contoured look. always easy. never overdone. maybelline's new master contour kit. make it happen. maybelline new york. jane likes to mix things up. that's why she loves new light & fit greek non-fat yogurt mousse. so fluffy and airy it's her new 80 calorie obsession. light & fit feel free to enjoy. increase speed, full throttle! (over intercom) ann, are you coming in? negative! stay on target. what are you guys doing? artoo, thrusters! they're closing in! i'll guard the base. for every family that lives star wars, this is the place where star wars lives. where a galaxy far, far away...
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come join star wars awakens. now at walt disney world resort. (from x-wing) hyperspace! stop me if you've had thihi bad dream. you have to climb naked and tattooed out of a body bag in the middle of times square. that's how things got started in the new nbc series "blindspot." >> i've had the naked dream in the middle of times square but -- >> more on that later. >> jamie alexander, or jane doe, is trying to uncode the mysterious tattoos that cover her entire body. >> the cases get more and more dangerous. they got david killed. how much longer until someone else gets hurt? >> we're not done until we figure out the tattoos, who did this to you. >> something happened to you. >> i know what i signed up for.
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if you don't want to come out in the field with us anymore, just -- >> no, no, that's not -- don't you ever worry that we're playing right into their hands? >> jamie, good morning. so nice to have you here. >> thank you. good morning. >> willie brought it up during the commercial, that the second this show started, everybody was hooked immediately. what is it about this show that has everybody talking about it? >> me. besides me, no, it's just such a crazy concept. what we do is we took an extraordinary concept and made it relatable. it's all things that we go through. things that we experience. it's just heightened. i think it's what works. >> as the season progresses, you learn each tattoo is a road map to something that's going to happen. >> mm-hmm. >> are we getting any closer to knowing who put all these tattoos on your body? >> oh, yeah. we have some major, major answers coming, even in the first episode back, which is
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10:00 p.m. on nbc. and it's so satisfying. when i get hooked on a show, i get so angry when they take forever to explain something. >> right. >> this show literally, by episode two, you knew what was happening. even me reading the script, i'm like, wow, okay, we're going to do that. all right. >> good. >> a lot more action. we've actually factored a lot more humor into the show. as you can see, it's extremely intense. we need to have a little bit of a roller coaster. >> i remember seeing the first promo on nbc. here's a woman climbing out of a body bag, tattooed and naked on times square. i was like, i am. what is happening on this show? we have to talk about the tattoos. you have real tattoos on your own. the one on your neck is not real. >> for the show. >> yet. >> not real yet, exactly. >> beautiful tattoo. >> thank you. i'm not sure what it is. i call it a mocking ging crow. could be a raven.
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>> something with the "hunger games". >> takes about seven and a half hours to do the whole body because it is a puzzle. we have to be careful about how we piece everything together. if one or two pieces are off, the whole body is off and they're not in the right spot. that's a pain. >> can they do it while you were sleeping? >> i wish. i wish i could float. be in a zero gravity situation. i stand up mostly. it's winter on our show now, so i'm in long sleeved jackets. >> that helps. >> cuts down the makeup time. i have an amazing makeup artist, who i love, and she lets me mess with her and joke around and listen to silly music. it's a good time. tattoo? >> celeb tattoo. >> can you identify it? >> we'll look on the screen. >> i love daddy? >> pull out slowly. >> if you don't know right away --
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>> let's do one more. >> this is a good one. you know this one? >> you got it. this. >> jamie alexander, thank you. "blindspot" picks up monday night 10:00/9:00 central. jamie will be answering your next 15 minutes. take." get at it. >> thank you. up
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at olive garden, starting at $12.99. choose 3 of 10 favorites to enjoy on one plate. plus unlimited salad and breadsticks. the best tour of italy is the one you create. at olive garden. hi, i'm here with some advice from the future don't buy makeup that settles into lines, it ages you. get simply ageless makeup it floats over lines and you look beautiful! simply ageless from olay... . . . . .
10:23 am
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you can earn and redeem rewards points and kohl's cash throughout the store! there's no better time to sign up!... anyone can - it's quick and it's easy! enroll, save and start racking up the points today! kohl's. are we excited. ed harris is here. >> we'll talk to him about starring opposite his very own wife, amy madigan. al, what do you got? >> i got giada las vegas. what are you making? >> i am not making anything vegas style. i am making fish, nice and light. >> very nice. dylan? al, we're we offered women a mystery beauty treatment. right now? yeah! that sounds great! could they guess what it was? very rich and smooth. really creamy. i keep touching my face. so what had we used? what?! wait! just water was added to this?
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that sense of having like smooth dewy skin only dove has 1/4 moisturizing cream for smoother, more radiant skin. dove, your daily beauty treatment for radiant skin. looking for 24/7 digestive support? try align for a non-stop, sweet-treat-goodness hold-onto-your-tiara, kind-of-day. live 24/7 with 24/7 digestive support. try align, the undisputed #1 ge recommended probiotic. i always keep it on point. new master precise skinny from maybelline new york. our first always sharp waterproof gel liner... designed to master the most precise eye looks. sleek. defined. on point. maybelline's master precise skinny. good morning... it's 10:27. we're just one day away from south carolina's democratic primary. hillary clinton and bernie sanders both have campaign stops scheduled in the state today. you're running out of time if you plan to vote absentee. election offices say they will not stay open
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5 p-m to get your votes in. if you plan to vote tomorrow... we have everything you need to know posted on our wyff 4 mobile app. you can check your voter status and find out where you need to vote. we also have a sample ballot and a video to show you how to cast your vote... right at your fingertips... on the wyff 4 mobile app. clear and cool in the upstate today. northwest breezes of 3-7. highs for greenville, spartanburg, anderson reaching 53. the mountains will have some flurries early, watch out for slippery spots on roads, the becoming mostly sunny. high for asheville, hendersonville just reaching 39. winds from the northwest at 14-20+. cold overnight, lows of 25 to 30. mostly sunny saturday, highs of clear and cool in the upstate today. northwest breezes of 3-7. highs for greenville, spartanburg, anderson reaching 53. the mountains will have some flurries early, watch out for slippery spots on roads, the becoming mostly sunny. high for asheville, hendersonville just reaching 39. winds from the northwest at 14-20+. cold overnight, lows of 25 to 30. mostly sunny saturday, highs of clear and cool in the upstate today. northwest breezes of 3-7. highs for greenville, spartanburg, anderson reaching
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flurries early, watch out for slippery spots on roads, the becoming mostly sunny. high for asheville, hendersonville just reaching 39. winds from the northwest at 14-20+. cold overnight, lows of 25 to 30. clear and cool in the upstate today. northwest breezes of 3-7. highs for greenville, spartanburg, anderson reaching 53. the mountains will have some flurries early, watch out for slippery spots on roads, the becoming mostly sunny. high for asheville, hendersonville just reaching 39. winds from the northwest at 14-20+. cold our job is not to divide,
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if we do not allow them to divide us up by race, by sexual orientations, by gender. by not allowing them to divide us up by whether or not we were born in america or whether we're immigrants. when we stand together: white, black, hispanic; gay or straight; woman and man. when we stand together and demand that this country work for all of us rather than a few. we will transform america, and that is what this campaign is about. it's bringing people together. i'm bernie sanders and i approve this message. together hey, guys! if weekly grocery shopping at other stores is taking a big bite out of your budget,
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greenville the total amount saved at walmart vs bi-lo was $22.53 on this week's groceries - that's 17%. why shop anywhere else? try shopping at walmart. walmart's every day low prices make shopping quick and easy because you'll find low prices on great products every day. start shopping with walmart's every day low prices today. and see what you could save. taking a look at the headlines, the gunman who killed three people and wounded 15 others in kansas thursday night had just been served an order of protection in a domestic
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this morning a sheriff revealed that as the likely motive. officials say cedric ford shot and wounded three people while driving to the factory where he worked. he then stormed the plant, shooting 15 people inside. ford who had a criminal record died in the shoot-out with the police officer. surgeons in cleveland have performed the first uterus transplant. a new frontier that aims to give women a chance at pregnancy. the nine-hour surgery was perform odd an 26-year-old woman using a uterus from a deceased donor. they announced they'd attempt some in a clinical trial. sweden reported the first successful birth back in 2014. a total of five healthy babies so far. well, if you're looking to save a little money on auto insurance you might want to give the honda odyssey a test drive. that's according to
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of the most and least expensive vehicles to insure. the honda odyssey costs an average of $1,100 a year. the cr-v lx was the second. what's the most expensive vehicle to insure? the dodge gt viper, averaging more than $4,000 a year. a rare beatles recording has going on the auction block next month. the demo disc holds two songs hello little girl and a version the beatles used it to get a record contract and it belongs to another early liverpool musician. it is called a holy grail item and the sky is the limit once the bidding starts. let's get a check of the weather. mr. roker in south beach, miami, where i will be soon. >> that's right. we are waiting for you because i need you to help bribe some other judges.
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for the fish tacos. she's got a knife. as far as the weekend weather, look at saturday. >> good weather around the country. >> it will be pretty nice saturday. things are kind of quiet in fact saturday. plenty of sunshine, record highs in the plains. look for sunshine in the pacific northwest all the way into southern california. sunday, sunday, looking at more record highs making their way into the great lakes. pacific northwest looking wet again. sunshine through the gulf coast, on into the northeast, new england, down on into texas. hey, what about the oscars? carpet. afternoon high temperature about 76 degrees. >> las vegas? >> not in las vegas. that's right. that's what's going on around today. northwest breezes of 3-7. highs for greenville, spartanburg, anderson reaching 53. the mountains will have some flurries early, watch out for slippery spots on roads, the becoming mostly sunny. high for asheville, hendersonville just reaching 39. winds from the
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>> giada cleaned her hands and >> now what? >> giada has cleaned her hands. everything is ready. we'll be making fish -- back to you guys. >> that sounds delicious. thanks, al. well, ed harris is one of the most recognizable faces in hollywood, appearing in over 80 television shows and films over the course of his career. >> we have so many favorites, so here they are in 23 seconds. >> best and the finest. >> times are tight. >> co-conspirator. >> gentlemen, that's not acceptable. >> i tried. >> looking for insight. >> be with 100,000. >> it's safe.
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>> you tell me. >> how much? >> i'm the marshal. >> you're a difficult person. >> everybody is in their place. >> great to see it in the full and proper context. ed is back on stage in the pulitzer prize winning show "buried child." let's just say a couple of closets are full of skeletons. thank you for being here. let's talk about the play, it was written by sam shepherd, a revival about 20 years ago. for people who haven't seen it, set the scene about the family. >> it takes place in a farmhouse in southern illinois. like you say it's a rather dysfunctional family. there's a family secret they have been living with that's torn the family apart. and it just kind of -- the play unravels over three acts. and you kind of find out what has taken place in the past.
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but it's also very dark. actually beautifully written. you know, it's -- sam's language in the plays, it's really beautiful. kwai poetic, but also very human and very rich. it's really fun to work on because every night you go deeper and end up. >> it's got to be fun, that your own wife, amy madigan, plays your stage wife. what's it like? >> amy and i working together again. we did a play a couple years ago with the same group, a new group theater, and got to know scott elliott, the artistic director. he asked if we wanted to do "buried child" together and we said, sure. it's great working together because we share what we're doing together. actress and it's fun. >> you met on the stage? >> we met doing a play, yeah. rehearsal in 1981. it was a big circle of -- semicircle of seats. there was an empty chair next to
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i never seen this woman before. she walked around everybody and sat down next to me. she had really colorful socks on. my line was, i like your socks. that was the biggest thing. >> that was it. >> yeah. >> classic pickup line. i like your socks. i think when you're ed harris, it works better than if the rest of us say, i like your socks. we watched the montage of clips from your career. i was going through your imdb page. it's hard to pick a favorite. "don't sleep don't sleep on the rock, by the way. >> sorry to cut you off. i watched "apollo 13" so many times, the vcr broke. i watched it and rewound it over and over. i'm still obsessed with it. >> good. >> do any of those projects jump out?
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years and directed the thing. first time i directed a film. it was my baby. it's held up over the years. we shot it in '99, i think. i'm proud of that. and the beethoven film, it was a real challenge for me, working with my good friend holland. not many people have seen the film but i felt good about what i did in it. >> you've had an incredible career and it continues on the stage. "buried child" is here in new york through april 3rd. great to see you, ed harris. >> thanks for being here. al with giada in south beach there's only one egg that just tastes better. so fresh from the farm. delicious. perfect. only one egg with more great nutrition... like 4 times more vitamin d and 10 times more vitamin e. and 25% less saturated fat. only one egg good enough for my family. because why have ordinary when you can have the best. eggland's best.
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ask your doctor about lyrica. does the smell of a freshly bound presentation fill you w wh optimism? do you love your wireless keyboard more than certain family members? is your success due to a filing system only you understand? does printing from your tablet to your wireless printer give you a jolt of confidence? if so, you may be gearcentric. someone who knows that the right office gear helps you do great things. and there's one place that has it all. office depot officemax. gear up for great. we're non stop, we've gotta have our extra protein. oikos triple zero greek non fat yogurt has 15 grams of protein. zero added sugar, zero artificial sweetener and zero fat. and zero holding me back! oikos triple zero. be unstoppable. mmm dannon i'm home. hey, it's dinner. a lot happens on your wooden surfaces.
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i knew that if i had ice in my water, it would just be so painful and i couldn't even drink it. i would like almost scoot the ice over and try to sip it very slowly so that it wouldn't trigger the pain. that's when i realized i had to do something. my dentist recommended that i use sensodyne. i think that sensodyne has been great in terms of reducing the sensitivity and pain that i was experiencing. now i can put ice in my water. sensodyne absolutely works, there you have it. 80% of women say a healthy lifestyle is a priority. but up to 90% fall short in getting key nutrients from food alone. let's do more. add one a day women's 50+ complete multivitamin. with vitamin d and calcium to help support bone health. one a day.
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brought to you by yoplait. hmm, mmm, yoplait. >> welcome to today's food edition, we have giada de laurentiis. we're down at the south beach food and wine festival. >> how many years have you been doing this? >> about 15 years now. >> i'm at 11, right behind you. >> what fish? >> you can use any whitefish, snapper, any fileted fish. we're mixing up cuban and salt. we're going to put it over the fish. it'll stick like that, added flavor, kind of adds a little caribbean -- >> like a dry rub. >> exactly. >> what is this? >> quinoa. >> you probably eat quinoa. >> i do. little >> little seeds and it coats it. you put it in the hot oil. >> great idea. >> it crackles, like having rice
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nice and crispy. gluten free and does that. adds a lot of flavor. while that cooks, i make a little salad of grapefruits. again, nice and light. i segment if grapefruit. i peel it, like i showed you earlier, and then you segment it. >> how long do you cook each side? >> depends on the thickness. this one is thin so probably three minutes. >> cool. >> i add kick of spices. here in miami. salt and cilantro. >> very nice. >> mix it all together. now, just to add a little bit of juice, i usually take grapefruit and go over the top. it's pretty and works nicely. avocado, smash it. we took the pit out earlier. lime juice. zest, salt, mix it together and do this. except you need this first.
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>> remember we talked about, you were going to smash the avocado. >> i don't recall that. i will deny it. >> go ahead and smear on the bottom. >> smear. >> then take a piece of fish. >> then put some of this on top? >> put the salad right on top. if you want to, you can toast the quinoa in a pan, dry pan, and put it on top. >> wow. >> that's it. >> very nice. i love it. >> finish it off. agua fresca. >> what are you doing tonight? >> coming to see about your patty. >> my patty melt. >> coming to check out if i'm voting for your patty melt or someone else's. >> i love you. >> gonna cost ya, al. >> natalie is coming down, as well. she's judging. coming up, head to head oscar trivia. who knows more?
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10:48 am
this is the joy for me. i love bread! i love bread. i now just manage ititso i don't deny myself bread, i have bread everyday. that's the genius of this program. i lost 26 pounds and i have eaten bread every single day. life as spokesbox is great. people love me for saving them over half a grand when they switch to progressive. so i'm dabbling in new ventures. it was board-game night with the dalai lama. great guy. terrible player. go paperless don't stress, girl i got the discounts that you need it's a balancing act, but i got to give the people what they want -- more box. any words for the critics? what can i say? critties gonna neg. [ applause ] the what?!
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oscars are this sunday so we brought in a.j. callaway to give us trivia. >> who is your money on? >> on you. >> hey, i didn't know that. >> good, take it away. >> ready? >> yeah. >> oscars showdown. the nominees, who won the most academy -- >> you didn't even -- >> do i have to wait? >> read the question. most awards for the best actor. meryl streep. >> oh. >> willie? >> hepburn. >> katharine hepburn. meryl streep has four. the most nominates, 1255, but only 2 2.
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>> silence of the lambs, return of the king, american beauty. the award goes to, the last to sweep the big five, which is -- >> silence of the lambs. >> wow. >> absolutely correct. >> good. >> i would say, they swept the big five awards of actor actor/actress, and picture. next question, robert redford and leonardo dicaprio. acting nominations without receiving an oscar. >> willie? >> leo. >> no? >> close. he had six nominations. >> o'toole. >> did she buzz? >> she did. >> peter o'toole. >> okay. are we tied? >> the nominations are billy crystal crystal, johnny carson and bob hope. this comic host tded the oscars the
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>> billy crystal. >> johnny carson. >> bob hope! >> process of elimination. >> absolutely right. 18 times, bob hope. >> 18? >> 18 times. amazing. >> i didn't know that answer though. >> billy crystal. >> i knew it. i was going to guess that. >> i'll put my hand on the buzzer. >> you all are a ip. the nominees are jodie foster, jennifer lawrence and reigner. the award goes to the youngest to ever win two oscars. >> jodie foster. >> oh. >> friends call her j. law. >> geist man. >> jennifer lawrence. also the youngest to win with four nominations. jennifer lawrence. the nominees are john ford, steven spielberg and scorsese.
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best director. >> martin scorsese. >> no. >> one more. >> spielberg. >> pr seszocess of elimination. >> what was the one? >> john ford. >> there you go. >> what was the one? >> i love that you did that. >> all right. we have a winner. >> wait, i didn't win. natalie, you have to give your speech. come up here. your acceptance speech. >> scroll all the names. dylan, willie geist, a.j. my fab youu dylan, willie geist, a.j. my fab youulous producing team. my mom. i love you, mom. you believed in me from the beginning.
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>> i told you change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability. bernie sanders. he was there when dr. king marched on washington. unafraid to challenge the status quo to end racial profiling, take on police misconduct, and take down a system that profits from mass imprisonment. there is no president who will fight harder to end institutional racism. education. opportunity. reform. bernie.
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hi dad. uh huh. yeah...sorry about that. think about it there must be higher love down in the heart what do you think? and in the stars above hi ted, glad you could join us, we think you're going to like these numbers. bring me a higher love i could rise above dylan, what's coming up this weekend? >> we've been doing the up for the job internship.
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to be interns for rascal flatts. they were up for anything. gave us ridiculous orders for in-in-out bugrger. i handed off a guitar live during a concert. that was very exciting. i get handsy when i get excited. >> they gave you flowers. >> i know. they're on my desk now. thank you in advance. i haven't seen them yet. >> great intern. full oscar round up on monday. al and i will be there monday in los ange hillary clinton: i do not believe we live in a single-issue country. the economy is rigged in favor of the top. americans haven't had a raise in 15 years. but i want to go further. whether it's poison in the water... hardworking immigrant families living in fear... racism holding people back... wall street and big financial interests
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big oil companies... the indifference, the negligence. that's what i want to take on. i'm running for president to root out all of these barriers... because i think america can only live up to its potential when we make sure that every american has a chance to live up to his or her potential. i'm hillary clinton,
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good morning... it's 10-57. a fire at an apartment complex in greenville is now under control. but more than 20 men... recovering from addidiion... are now displaced. these pictures were taken at the tara apartments...on lowndes hill road. fire officials got the call around 6-30 this morning. everyone made it out safely. no word yet on the cause of the fire. tara apartments are a solutions recovery center for sobriety. clear and cool in the upstate today. northwest breezes of 3-7. highs for greenville, spartanburg, anderson reaching 53. the mountains will have some flurries early, watch out for slippery spots on roads, the becoming mostly sunny. high for asheville, hendersonville just reaching 39. winds from the northwest at 14-20+. cold clear and cool in the upstate today. northwest breezes of 3-7. highs for greenville, spartanburg, anderson reaching 53. the mountains will have some flurries early, watch out for slippery spots on roads, the becoming mostly sunny. high for asheville, hendersonville just reaching 39.
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they served our country. our country should serve them better. bernie sanders cracked the gridlock with john mccain to help clean up the mess at the v.a. and strengthen veterans' healthcare. bernie sanders has always stood with our veterans, and that's why he'll never rush to put our men and women in harm's way. judgment. integrity. bernie. sanders: i'm bernie sanders and i approve this message. hey, guys! if weekly grocery shopping at other stores is taking a big bite out of your budget, just look at these savings at your local walmart. greenville the total amount saved at walmart vs bi-lo was $22.53 on this week's groceries - that's 17%. why shop anywhere else? try shopping at walmart. walmart's every day low prices make shopping quick and easy because you'll find low prices on great products every day.
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and see what you could save. the world a president has to grapple with. sometimes you can't even imagine. that's the job. and she's the one who's proven she can get it done. ...securing a massive reduction in nuclear weapons... ...standing up against the abuse of women... ...protecting social security... ...expanding benefits for the national guard... ...and winning health care for 8 million children... the presidency is the toughest job in the world and she's the one who'll make a real difference for you. i'm hillary clinton and i approved this message. >> announcer: today on the meredith vieira show. you want a good seat in the restaurant? the truth may shock you. will you share a hotel room to
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you will not believe what one grandma did without telling anyone. and evalongoria is here. and she starts right now on meredith. [applause] makes you feel real good. feel real good. thank you. >> meredith: thank you. and that my foot is a sleep. we have a great show today. i love my first guest who is in the sitcom. i am talking about evalongeria. and i can't wait to see the ring up close.


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