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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


Glenn Greenwald
Co-Founder, The Intercept
MSNBCW 05/07/2015
Wagner: How confident are you that either the Executive Branch or the Legislative Branch are going to act on this? Greenwald: Well in some sense, they need to act on it now because there's a court ruling that essentially says the program is illegal. And that although they're not stopping the program, they're giving Congress an opportunity to stop it on their own. If they don't stop it there will be this court ruling in place if they don't reauthorize it. And there’s also the question which the court raised whether this is even constitutional at all. Whether the Congress even could authorize it if they wanted to or whether it would be a violation of the first and fourth amendment and the court seems to suggest there's at least serious grounds for believing it would be unconstitutional. So I think you already had momentum to seriously reform The Patriot Act to at least significantly modify this program if not end it and I think this court decision will only fuel that.
Glenn Greenwald
Co-Founder, The Intercept
MSNBCW 05/07/2015
Greenwald: It's hard to overstate, Alex how important the Second Circuit is in the Federal Judiciary for other courts. It's probably the most important court right after the Supreme Court along with the DC Circuit. And also the judges, all three judges are appointed by democratic presidents. Two by President Obama, one by President Clinton. What's amazing is just how aggressive the ruling is in rejecting the Justice Department's arguments one after the next. It says that the plaintiffs have standing to sue because the U.S. government is collecting everybody's communication data and therefore the plaintiffs are among those. And says very kind of an extreme way that the Obama administration's interpretation of The Patriot Act is unprecedented and unwarranted. That is extreme as The Patriot Act is not even the extreme Patriot Act justifies a policy this radical and I think it's going to have a huge impact on how litigation proceeds from this point forward.
Glenn Greenwald
Co-Founder, The Intercept
MSNBCW 05/07/2015
Wagner: For a Federal Court to say that what the government is doing is illegal, they didn't rule on the unconstitutionality of it but to say that what the government is doing is illegal would seem to mandate some action and I wonder, do you think James Clapper's days are numbered as the Director of National Intelligence? Greenwald: To me the question that you asked is probably the most stunning part of this entire episode. We know that with certainty that the Senior National Security official in the United States government, lied to the American people, and to the Senate and not only did he deny there was a program that the NSA was doing, denied its existence, this program has now been declared by the federal court to be illegal which means he was lying and hiding a program that was against the law. If that doesn't get you fired by the Obama administration let alone prosecuted what does? If that's not a firing offense, then nothing is.
Glenn Greenwald
Co-Founder, The Intercept
MSNBCW 05/07/2015
Wagner: In terms of Snowden, still overseas, do you think this brings him back home? Greenwald: It should. I mean, if you think about what a whistle blower is a whistle blower is somebody who shines a light and discloses to the public something that the government is hiding and shouldn't be hiding that at least there's a good argument to make an example of wrongdoing. And now you have not just a federal judge who last year already said the program was unconstitutional likely but a federal appeals court saying it's illegal, how can anybody say that we would be better off if Edward Snowden had kept quiet and let us remain ignorant of the spying program that the federal court now said is illegal, it's classic whistle blowing. I think he deserves our national gratitude, not a life in prison.
Edward Snowden
U.S. Senator (I- Vermont),
LINKTV 09/25/2015
Goodman: NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Glenn Greenwald and other privacy activists have launched a new campaign to establish global privacy standards. The proposed international treaty on the right to privacy, protection against improper surveillance and protection of whistleblowers would require states to ban mass data collection and implement public oversight of national security programs. The treaty would also require states to offer asylum to whistleblowers. It is being dubbed the "Snowden treaty." Edward Snowden spoke about the need for the treaty via teleconference from Russia at Thursday’s launch in New York. Snowden: This is not a problem exclusive to the United States or the national security agency or the FBI or Department of Justice or any agency of government anywhere. This is a global problem that affects all of us.
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