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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


Catherine Herridge
Chief Intelligence Correspondent for FOX News Channel
FOXNEWSW 01/16/2015
Herridge: (they said they want more, not less,) cooperation, also from the big internet providers. Cameron: Not asking for backdoors. We have-We believe in very clear frontdoors through legal process that should help to keep our countries safe and my only argument is that as technology develops, as the world moves on we should try to avoid the safe havens that could otherwise be created for terrorists to talk to each other. Herridge: At one point during that news conference Mr. Obama pointed to the Boston marathon bombing. As you recall one of the brothers was in contact with individuals overseas and had a very sort of robust youtube channel with radical islamic videos. But I would point out that it was not a failure to collect phone records or internet traffic in that particular case. It was a culture failure. The FBI failed to share this information about the Tsarnaev brother with the Boston cops because they didn't feel they had the need to know. So collection would not have made a difference in this particular case.
Catherine Herridge
Chief Intelligence Correspondent for FOX News Channel
FOXNEWSW 09/24/2015
Herridge: One of the central issues this afternoon has been encryption. Not only by the terrorist browns but the lack of encryption at OPM that allowed the hackers in, and the nation's spy chief says he doesn't have a handle how much data was taken and what was taken, and Admiral Rogers told the committee if China continues its current strategy where they insist they have access to the computers of businesses, whether they're government or whether they're private sector, Rogers said he cannot envision a long-term relationship with China on that basis. Smith: anything from capitol hill on this? Herridge: the chairman of the house homeland security committee who gets regular briefings said the number of affected Americans right now the estimated 21.5 million will go higher because the damage assessments have not concluded.
Catherine Herridge
Chief Intelligence Correspondent for FOX News Channel
FOXNEWSW 09/24/2015
Herridge: There are high-level deliberations by the Obama administration and the intelligence community over how to respond to the OPM breach, given all the evidence points to a Chinese entity, likely backed or trained by the Chinese military, and as you mentioned this week's meeting with the Chinese president is a chance to make clear these breaches will not be tolerated. McCaul: I think the reason why you have these discussions with world leaders is to also call to their attention problems we have, and this is on a security level a huge breach that has had no response and no consequence, and I would implore the President to raise these issues when he meets with him. Herridge: The current and former intelligence officials argue when you take the OPM data, the fingerprint data and health care records you have everything you need to create a composite government worker that you can impersonate. There's really nothing left to get in terms of the data. So that's why some kind of retaliation may not be that meaningful at this point.
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