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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


Glenn Greenwald
Guardian Reporter
MSNBCW 06/23/2013
Part 2 Greenwald: right. This is what US government -- the claim that you just referenced has been saying for decades. They said the same thing to Daniel Ellsberg and whoever leaked the bush NSA eavesdropping program to
Glenn Greenwald
Guardian Reporter
MSNBCW 06/23/2013
Part 3 Greenwald: that has been remotely endangering of national security. The only thing people have learned anything are the American people who have learned the spying apparatus is directed at them. But let me just quickly say it isn't Edward Snowden making the decisions about what is published. He didn't upload the documents to the internet or pass them to adversary governments which is what he could have done, had been inclined his motive to harm the united states. He came to two newspapers, "the guardian" and
Glenn Greenwald
Reporter for The Guardian
MSNBCW 07/12/2013
The Silicon Valley companies have continuously said they only do the bare minimum the law requires to work with the NSA. This shows constant collaboration and collusion on the part of Microsoft to build systems to allow all sorts of access to Skype, Outlook, these cloud systems way beyond what the law requires. The idea that they need a warrant in each individual case is untrue. They only need a warrant when they're targeting American citizens. Not when they're -- scooping up communications including ones involving Americans.
Glenn Greenwald
Guardian Reporter
KGO 07/28/2013
Greenwald: right. George. One of the most amazing parts of this episode have been that top level national security officials like James Clapper really did get caught red handed lying to the American Congress, which everyone now acknowledges, about what the NSA is doing. It's amazing he not only hasn't been prosecuted but still has his job. And what that does is It lets national security officials continue to lie to the public, which happened in that exchange you just referenced. The way that I know exactly what analysts have the capability to
Glenn Greenwald
Guardian Reporter
KGO 07/28/2013
Greenwald continued: do when spying on Americans, is that the story I'm working on for the last month, publishing this week, very clearly sets forth what these programs are that NSA analysts, low level ones, not just those who work for the NSA but private contractors like Mr.. Snowden, are able to do. The NSA, has trillions of telephone calls and emails in their database that they have collected over the last several years. And what these programs are, are simple screens like the ones that supermarket clerks or shipping and receiving clerks use, where
Glenn Greenwald
Guardian Reporter
KGO 07/28/2013
Greenwald continued 2: all they have to enter an e-mail address or IP address and it does two things. It searches that database and lets them listen to the calls or read the e-mails of everything that the NSA has stored, or look at the browsing histories, or Google search terms that you’ve entered, and it also alerts them to any further activity that people connected to the e-mail address or IP address do in the future. And it's all done with no need to go to court. With no need to even get supervisor approval from on the part of the analyst. . There are legal constraints for how you can spying on Americans, you can't target them
Glenn Greenwald
Guardian Reporter
KGO 07/28/2013
Greenwald continued 3: without going to the FISA court. But these systems allow analysts to listen to whatever e-mails day want. Whatever telephone calls, browsing histories, Microsoft word documents. It's an incredibly powerful and invasive tool exactly of the type that Mr. Snowden described. And NSA officials are going to testifying before the senate on Wednesday, and I defy them to deny that these programs work exactly I just said. Stephanopoulos: do we have any evidence that capability -- pretty explosive capability, that it was used? Greenwald: there's lots of evidence
Glenn Greenwald
Guardian Reporter
KGO 07/28/2013
Greenwald continued 4: there’s been abuse on the part of the NSA. There was a report actually by your network, ABC news and Brian Ross, from several years ago, where NSA analysts, low level ones, got caught eavesdropping on the telephone conversations between soldiers and their girlfriends who were stationed in Iraq and America. There have been reports in the New York Times that the NSA has wildly exceeded the scope of the legal limits that the law allows. There are all sorts of admissions, including this week in a letter to Senator Wyden by
Glenn Greenwald
Guardian Reporter
KGO 07/28/2013
Greenwald continued 5: James Clapper that says the NSA has exceeded even the legal authority that it acknowledges it has. And they write it off to inadvertent key strokes or technological confusion. The real issue here is that what the NSA does is done in complete secrecy. Nobody really monitors who they're eavesdropping on. The question of abuse is one that Congress should be investigating much more aggressively.
Glenn Greenwald
Guardian Reporter
CNNW 07/31/2013
Tapper: This one with the catchy headline NSA tool collects nearly everything a user does on the internet. It's called "Keyscore." Greenwald: it's a program used by the NSA to collect all internet activity everything they can collect, store it, and allow their low-level analysts with access to terminals to search what it is they want and fit out what your e-mails say, what Google search terms you entered, and pretty much anything else you do on the internet. It's an all-purpose (buying device.)
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