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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


Glenn Greenwald
Guardian Reporter
CNNW 07/31/2013
Tapper: This one with the catchy headline NSA tool collects nearly everything a user does on the internet. It's called "Keyscore." Greenwald: it's a program used by the NSA to collect all internet activity everything they can collect, store it, and allow their low-level analysts with access to terminals to search what it is they want and fit out what your e-mails say, what Google search terms you entered, and pretty much anything else you do on the internet. It's an all-purpose (buying device.)
Glenn Greenwald
Guardian Reporter
CNNW 07/31/2013
Tapper: Clapper's office today released its own set of stunning documents. Among them a previously classified Congressional briefing paper outlining the Patriot. act provision allowing for an early warning system involving logging all the domestic e-mails and phone conversations of Americans, with this attempted assurance, only a tiny fraction of such records are ever viewed by NSA
Glenn Greenwald
Guardian Reporter
CNNW 07/31/2013
Tapper: Clapper's office today released its own set of stunning documents. Among them a previously classified Congressional briefing paper outlining the Patriot. act provision allowing for an early warning system involving logging all the domestic e-mails and phone conversations of Americans, with this attempted assurance, only a tiny fraction of such records are ever viewed by NSA
Glenn Greenwald
Guardian Reporter
CNNW 07/31/2013
Tapper: intelligence analysts. But -- and here's where Greenwald's story today is important -- the question is not whether they're viewed as an official policy but whether they can be. Snowden told Greenwald: yes. Snowden: I sitting at my desk certainly this the authorities to wiretap anyone. Tapper: Though members and supporters of the US national security apparatus disputed that. Greenwald: there's no question but that Edward Snowden has been completely vindicated by the documents and by the disclosures as a completely honest whistleblower one of the most significant whistleblowers in American history.
Glenn Greenwald
Guardian Reporter
CNNW 07/31/2013
Tapper: intelligence analysts. But -- and here's where Greenwald's story today is important -- the question is not whether they're viewed as an official policy but whether they can be. Snowden told Greenwald: yes. Snowden: I sitting at my desk certainly this the authorities to wiretap anyone. Tapper: though members and supporters of the US. national security apparatus disputed that. Greenwald: there's no question but that Edward Snowden has been completely vindicated by the documents and by the disclosures as a completely honest whistle-blower one of the most significant whistleblowers in American history.
Glenn Greenwald
Guardian Reporter
MSNBCW 08/01/2013
Greenwald: A tool designed to collect nearly everything a user does on the internet. it's designed to collect that and store it into databases. The database you're talking about with XKEYSCORE has 41 billion internet records stored each and every month for a 30 day period. What is different about it, is that unlike surveillance under the FISA court, the analyst
Glenn Greenwald
Guardian Reporter
MSNBCW 08/01/2013
Greenwald continued: sits at his or her desk and search for things when they don't even know the person they're searching for. They can search just by general key word or they search e-mail accounts for certain words or search user browser histories or Google searches for names and then they start assigning suspicion to people and then tracking them. So it has nothing really to do with the FISA court. Remember, the FISA court is necessary only when you're targeting a US person. This database does contain lots of communications of US persons but it's done completely independent of the FISA court.
Glenn Greenwald
Guardian Reporter
MSNBCW 08/01/2013
Greenwald continued 2: that building a massive surveillance state without serious checks and oversight will lead to abuse. That was the lesson of the Church committee, that for decades the United States government seriously abused surveillance because nobody was looking over their shoulder to see what it was they were doing. They didn’t have to go to courts and get approval for each individual warrant so They eavesdropped on Martin Luther King and the anti-war movement. and all kinds of political groups for improper purposes. But secondly, as secret as the NSA is, we know there's serious abuse, in 2011,
Glenn Greenwald
Guardian Reporter
MSNBCW 08/01/2013
Greenwald continued 3: there was an 86-page ruling from the FISA court saying what the NSA was doing, systematically violated the constitution and the law. As I said, Ron Wyden just this week got James Clapper to admit there are numerous violations of the law that the NSA is committing and they try to slough it off and say it's not intentional. But Wyden said It's much more serious than the government is letting on. The problem is, it's all done in secret,
Glenn Greenwald
Guardian Reporter
KGO 08/04/2013
Greenwald: members of Congress, members from both political parties actually came to us and showed us all kinds of letters and e-mails that they've been exchanging in which they're trying to get the most basic information about what the NSA is doing and spying on American citizens and what the FISA court has been doing in terms of declaring some of this illegal, some of it legal. Remember, we keep hearing that there's all kinds of robust oversight by Congress and we need not worry and yet these members of Congress, one who is Morgan Griffith
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