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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


Atika Schubert
CNN Correspondent
CNNW 08/19/2013
Shubert: why was David Miranda, a Brazilian citizen, detained for nearly nine hours at London’s Heathrow airport on Sunday? His partner, Greenwald, the journalist who exposed the vast spying apparatus of the US through documents provided by NSA leaker Edward Snowden, says this is an attack on the free press. In
Atika Schubert
CNN Correspondent
CNNW 08/19/2013
Shubert continued: to imprison journalists who report the truth. But to start detaining the family members and loved ones of journalists is simply despotic.” Schedule 7 of the UK Terrorism Act allows British police to detain and interrogate anyone passing through the borders, ostensibly in the name of preventing an attack. But in practice, police can stop anyone for any reason. Detainees are not given access to
Atika Schubert
CNN Correspondent
CNNW 08/19/2013
Shubert continued 2: lawyers until they are released. According to Britain's hope office, 97% of people stopped are released in less than an hour. One in 2,000 are held for the maximum time allowed, nine hours. So why was Miranda in that category? Miranda has now returned to brazil, greeted at the airport by Greenwald but his laptop, phone, DVDs and a game console all remain confiscated. He was traveling from Berlin where he stayed with Documentary filmmaker Laura Poitrus, another of Edward Snowden’s contacts.
Atika Schubert
CNN Correspondent
CNNW 08/19/2013
Shubert: The guardian newspaper has confirmed they paid for Miranda's flights but it's not clear if Miranda was asked to deliver any documents or information. According to Greenwald, Miranda spent nine hours answering questions only about Edward Snowden and the NSA, no terror-related questions. Whatever the reason, Brazilian diplomats are now expressing their outrage and some British members of parliament are
Atika Schubert
CNN Correspondent
CNNW 08/19/2013
Shubert continued: saying his detention was an abuse of the law. As for Glenn Greenwald he has stated he will not be intimidated or deterred and says he will continue to expose US secrets using the power of the free press. Atika Shubert CNN London.
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