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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


Barack Obama
CNNW 08/23/2013
Cuomo: You have said it is not the business of the US government to spy on its own people. The more it seems to come out the more questions seem to be raised. Are you confident you know everything that's going on within that agency and you can say to the American people it's all done the right way? Obama: yes. But what I've also said is that it can only work if the American people trust what's going on and what's been clear since the disclosures that were made by Mr.. Snowden is that people don't
Barack Obama
CNNW 08/23/2013
Obama continued: have enough information and aren't confident enough that, between all the safeguards and checks that we put in place within the executive branch and the federal court oversight that takes place on the program, and Congressional oversight, people are still concerned as to whether their e-mails are being read or their phone calls being listened to. Cuomo: especially hearing they are then mistakes are made, (shakes your confidence)
Barack Obama
CNNW 08/23/2013
Obama continued 2: to abuse this program or listen in on people's e-mail or -- Cuomo: you're confident in that? Obama: i am confident in that, but what i recognize is that we're going to have to continue to improve the safeguards and as technology moves forward, that means that we may be able to build technologies to give people more assurance and we do have to do a better job of giving people confidence in how these programs work. So what I've said is I am open to working with Congress to figure out can we get more
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