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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


Christopher Coons
U.S. Senator, D-Delaware
CSPAN2 10/02/2013
Coons: the very fact that the NSA can tell so much about a target through detail analysis of non-content bulk data, metadata, indicates to me that there is some privacy interest at stake. Maybe not a Constitutional privacy interest, given the current Constitutional doctrine, but a private interest in the sense that the NSA can cobble together, through these random threads, can weave a profile on a person that can ultimately contain quite private details. Shouldn’t Congress be concerned about protecting that sort of privacy interest against unwarranted intrusion?
Christopher Coons
U.S. Senator, D-Delaware
CSPAN2 10/02/2013
Coons:I will repeat Senator Franken’s solid point that you’ve made some very significant progress in terms of transparency and commitment to response to the Congressional oversight, but temporary changes in policy and practice do not provide lasting assurance. Changes in statute will. Clapper: I completely agree with that. That if these changes whatever they are, are embedded in law, that would instantiate a degree of permanence that our doing it administratively would not.
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