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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


David Faber
Co-Anchor of Squawk on the Street
CNBC 06/27/2014
Faber: The German government is essentially saying bye-bye to Verizon as one of its key suppliers of telecommunications and wireless services because of the fallout from the Edward Snowden revelations and the NSA. And this is not insignificant, certainly something we should be watching, not necessarily going to result in an incredible loss of business for Verizon you can see. Investors are taking it in stride. But it came up a lot when we were in -- when I was reporting on whether AT&T would really try and make a move on Vodafone, and I believe one of the reasons it withdrew from the European market as a place to conceivably consolidate, and come back here and do the DirecTV deal, was because again of the Snowden revelations, the NSA, and the push back that we’re seeing today evidenced by Germany saying, no thank you, Verizon.
David Faber
Co-Anchor Squawk on the Street
CNBC 06/27/2014
Quintanilla: People have not been able to pin point how much the contract was worth and whether or not it's the only one. Eisen: Who wins, also? That's interesting. Deutsche Telecom? Is that going to be the beneficiary? Faber: It would seem to be, yeah. They’re going to go more right. All the European carriers of course, going to be trumpeting their ability to adhere to standards that the EU wants. Privacy becoming a much larger issue across the board whether it's Facebook or Google, I think we have to continue to think about this, what it will mean to some of these business models. Hobbs: It’s more than just privacy, isn't it? Talking about setting their own internet structures, I think what Mark Andresen described as the balkanization of the internet as a result. Because the Germans are like, we simply don't want the Americans to have this sort of access to what we do (on a daily basis). Not least Angela Merkel’s phone.
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