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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


Dianne Feinstein
U.S. Senator (D-CA), Chairman of Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
CSPAN2 12/27/2012
If the government wants to engage in electronic surveillance targeting a United States person for foreign intelligence purposes, it must go back to the FISA Court and get a specific order from that court. In an emergency, the surveillance can commence before the court order is issued
Dianne Feinstein
U.S. Senator (D-CA), Chairman of Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
MSNBCW 06/06/2013
Part 1 Dianne Feinstein: Speaking about the Business Provisions of the Patriot Act.) This is a routine every three months court reauthorization of a program that's been in existence for a very long time. This program has strong restrictions on it. The data are just phone numbers and trunk lines, there's no content. It is put behind a wall. The only way it can be used is if there is strict scrutiny. reasonable, articulable knowledge that this can
Dianne Feinstein
U.S. Senator (D-CA), Chairman of Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
MSNBCW 06/06/2013
Part 2 Dianne Feinstein: connect to a terrorist attack either under way or under planning or some conspiracy, then the number can be looked at, based on the person who is the suspected terrorist. Then you can see what numbers that individual is calling.
Dianne Feinstein
U.S. Senator (D-CA), Chairman of Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
KGO 06/09/2013
(on Director Clapper's March 13, 2013 denial that US government collects any data at all on millions or hundreds of millions of Americans) There is no more direct or honest person than Jim Clapper. I think both Mike and I know that. You can misunderstand the question. This is one of the dilemmas of talking about it. He could have thought the question had content, or something. But it is true that this is a wide collection of phone records. As Mike said, no names...
Keith Alexander
General, Director of the National Security Agency, Chief of the Central Security Service and Commander of the United States Cyber Command.
CSPAN 06/15/2013
Sen. Feinstein “If I may, quickly Senator, it's my understanding you have the metadata, you have the records of what appears on a phone bill. If you want to go to the content, then you have to get a court order, the same thing you would do in a criminal case. You would have to get a court order that would permit you to collect the content of a call. You can ask if that's him if that is right or wrong.” Gen Alexander: “that's correct.”
Dianne Feinstein
U.S. Senator (D-CA), Chairman of Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
CSPAN2 06/19/2013
Part 1:Dianne Feinstein
Robert Mueller
FBI Director (at this hearing)
CSPAN2 06/19/2013
Mueller: it is very seldom used, generally use in a particular incident where you need the capability I will have to go back and check in terms of what we need in the images and the like. But It is very narrowly focused on the particularized cases and particularized needs and particularized cases and that is the principal of privacy limitations. Dianne Feinstein: I would like to get that information. (It would be helpful to us.)
Dianne Feinstein
U.S. Senator (D-CA), Chairman of Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
KPIX 06/23/2013
Schieffer: do you believe Senator Feinstein-- we know and we have learned a lot about the capabilities of the US government. Do you-- have you at this point come to any conclusion about whether those capabilities and that power was abused by these agencies? Feinstein: No, I have seen no abuse by these agencies, nor has any claim ever been made in any way shape, or form, that this was abused.
Dianne Feinstein
U.S. Senator (D-CA), Chairman of Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
KPIX 06/23/2013
I happen to believe that this program (Sec. 215 telephone “bulk surveillance”) is carefully watched by the Justice Department, by independent inspectors general, by the NSA. Only 22 people at NSA have access to it. In the year 2012, it was only queried 300 times.
Dianne Feinstein
U.S. Senator (D-CA), Chairman of Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
KPIX 06/23/2013
In the year 2012, it (Sec. 215 telephone “bulk surveillance”) was only queried 300 times. If they need a warrant to get content, that's sent to the FBI and the FBI gets a court warrant before any content of any conversation is looked at.
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