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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


Aurore Cloe Dupuis
Journalist, France 24
LINKTV 06/24/2015
Dupuis: The National Security Council insist the U.S. is not and will not target the communications of President Hollande. As for the White House, it refuses to comment on specific intelligence allegations. Godula: Francois Hollande is now hosting crisis talks on the spying claim. An emergency meeting is now under way with Parliamentary group leaders at the Elysée Presidential Palace, and that is where Douglas Herbert is, now as well. Doug, there is so much indignation, anger over there today. Talk us through the developments since the story first broke. Hubert: yeah, you used the exact right words -- anger, indignation, also a sense of, "are you kidding me?" going on here. We've had a steady stream across the political spectrum in and out of the French Presidential palace behind me.
Herbert Douglas
International Affairs Editor, France 24
LINKTV 06/24/2015
Godula: Doug, we’ve known about these NSA activities for several years, ever since they were first linked by Edward Snowden, the former NSA contractor. Is there anyone there particularly at the presidential palace who’s really surprised that the NSA is spying on other countries' leaders? Hubert: Yeah, you know, it is a tempting question, like that famous line from the movie "Casablanca" -- "I’m shocked, shocked that gambling is going on here." And you can say the same thing about these spying revelations because what we have known since Edward Snowden first exposed the magnitude of the NSA surveillance drag net, if you will, both in the U.S. and internationally. We’ve known that this stuff is going on.
Herbert Douglas
International Affairs Editor, France 24
LINKTV 06/24/2015
Hubert: I suppose the reason we have the sense of what we were saying in the beginning, this sense of indignation, the anger. The latest revelations seem to bring it to a new level. We’re talking about if these documents are borne out, if they are genuine -- and there is no reason to believe they are not -- we are talking about phone tapping the phones of three French Presidents. One the current French President. and all of their top, a lot of their top advisers. Listening in on their conversations, the content of that, and that despite the time and again, Barack Obama standing alongside Francois Hollande, talking about how these are the closest allies going back to the revolutionary days. It does make you scratch your chin a little bit and say can you really be someone's ally and engage in behavior like this. As Angela Merkel said famously last year, after it was revealed last year that her phone has been tapped, she said
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