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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


Jeff Flake
U.S. Senator, R-Arizona
CSPAN2 10/02/2013
Flake: General Alexander, last June I questioned the FBI director with regard to retention of data collected under, the metadata under 215. He testified that the data collected under 215 is scrubbed every five years or after five years, i think on a rolling basis. Is all metadata collected under other authorities also discarded after five years?
Jeff Flake
U.S. Senator, R-Arizona
CSPAN2 10/02/2013
Flake: I understand foreign is handled differently. But if you have metadata that’s collected under separate authorities, not just 215, is that bunched together in a way that it’s retained beyond 5 years, how do you separate it? Do you hold it separately. How does that work? Alexander: So NSA, I don’t know of any other programs that would collect metadata in the United States outside of 215. We don’t have any that I know of. And none have come up.
Keith Alexander
General, Director of the National Security Agency, Chief of the Central Security Service and Commander of the United States Cyber Command.
CSPAN2 10/02/2013
Alexander (answering Sen. Flake metadata kept more than 5 years?) : From my perspective. Those would be with other agencies. Clapper: (Overseas) Alexander: The overseas is the one I explained. So, does that make sense? Flake: OK Alexander: So I don’t have any other telephone. There was an old program that we talked about. You know, that was stopped a few years back and all that data was destroyed. That was on email. So we don’t have any. Flake: There’s no more programs that I know of, you would know of them. Alexander: Hopefully, so. Especially after the last three and a half months.
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