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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


Katty Kay
Anchor, BBC World News America
MSNBCW 04/15/2014
Kay: So there you have the guardian and "The Washington Post" getting the Pulitzer Prize for Public Service from the Columbia School of Journalism. And the controversy is over as you say, did they support somebody who is effectively treasonous. A traitor to America. The counter-argument that is made by the Pulitzer Board is that they are doing the best journalism around. They are not part of Snowden's story. They are reporting Snowden's story. And that is why they've been given this. They came across and were given access to this incredible story. And whatever you think of Snowden, I think, we would all recognize that we would not be having the debate about NSA surveillance that we’ve had in this country over the past year had it not been for the reporting on Snowden's story. And that’s the argument from Pulitzer. Scarborough: Okay. And obviously had an extraordinary impact.
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