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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


John Delong
N.S.A. Compliance Director
KPIX 08/16/2013
Andrews: The NSA argues that the number of privacy violations is tiny compared to the 20 million data searches done every month in the hunt for terrorists. NSA compliance director john delong told reporters by phone: the mistakes are routinely disclosed to the FISA court, to the justice department and to Congress. Delong: We don’t hide these incidents, we don’t keep them within NSA, they’re provided through to multiple overseers, through multiple channels.
Ben Rhodes
Deputy national Security Advisor
KQED 05/20/2014
Narrator: The Guardian decided to publish the story as fast as possible. They called the White House and gave them four hours to comment. Rhodes: I remember well getting the phone call. And it was one of these situations where it almost took us a few minutes to get our minds around how big of a leak this was and how comprehensive the set of revelations were. We had very little time to react. Narrator: They sounded the alarm and reached out to an NSA official, John DeLong. DeLong: I have two computers on my desk-- a classified computer and an unclassified computer. And I'm used to seeing that document on the classified computer. And I did a real double take. I remember just sitting there for 30 seconds checking and rechecking to see what computer this classified document appeared on. The gravity of it was quite palpable, and I thought, "This is going to be a really tough story as it comes out.
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