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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


John Seigenthaler
Host of Al Jazeera America News
ALJAZAM 04/15/2014
Seigenthaler: Two major newspapers, The Guardian, and the
John Seigenthaler
Host of Al Jazeera America News
ALJAZAM 06/02/2014
Seigenthaler: One year ago this week, Edward Snowden leaked the first classified NSA documents. To mark the anniversary several major websites are launching a new privacy campaign called reset the net. Carey: Countless revelations sparked a global debate over national security versus personal privacy. But on this anniversary several tech companies that have been battling the NSA have an interesting way of upping the ante. The NSA leaks were about far more than government collection of people's phone records. The reports revealed broad attempts by the government to enlist tech companies in its surveillance work. Those revelations quickly led two secure email providers to close down. One phone company went to the secret surveillance court to challenge the NSA's mass collection of phone records. The NSA has reported by been intercepting U.S. made computer products and inserting surveillance tools in them before they are exported.
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