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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


Dan Lothian
White House correspondent for CNN
CNNW 08/16/2013
Dan Lothian: Defending the NSA. White house deputy spokesman Josh Ernest saying in a quote,
Josh Ernest
White House Deputy Press Secretary
CNNW 08/19/2013
(At White House Briefing) Yellin: can you state with authority that the US government has not obtained material from the laptop that British authorities confiscated from Glenn Greenwald's partner or from any of his personal devices they also confiscated. Earnest: I'm just not in a position to talk to you about the conversations between British law enforcement officials and American law enforcement officials. Yellin: so you can't rule out that the US has obtained this material? Earnest: I’m not in the position to do that right now, no. Yellin: Was the White House consulted
Josh Ernest
White House Deputy Press Secretary
CNNW 08/19/2013
Yellin continued: or given a heads up in advance? Earnest: There was a coNSA, there was a heads up that was provided by the British government. Again, this is something that we had an indication was likely to occur but it's not something that we've requested. Yellin: now, briana, numerous follow ups questions, the white house clarified --that they essentially were notified by the British government once Miranda's name appeared on a list that he was flying on an airline and that the Brits planned
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