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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


Lincoln Chafee
Former U.S. Senator (R-RI)and-Governor (I-RI)
CNNW 10/13/2015
Cooper: Governor Chafee, you and Hillary Clinton both voted for The Patriot Act which created the NSA surveillance program, you emphasized civil liberties and privacy during your campaign. Aren’t these two things in conflict? Chafee: No, that was another 99-1 vote, for The Patriot Act. And it was seen as, at the time, modernizing our ability to do what we’ve always done, to tap phones which always require a warrant that Cooper: (inaudible) that? Chafee: No, no. As long as you're getting a warrant, I believe that under the 4th Amendment you should be able to do surveillance. But you need a warrant. That’s what the 4th Amendment says. And in The Patriot Act, section 215 started to get broadened too far. So I would be in favor of addressing and reforming section 215 of The Patriot Act.
Lincoln Chafee
Former U.S. Senator (R-RI)and-Governor (I-RI)
CNNW 10/13/2015
Cooper: Governor Chafee, Edward Snowden, is he a traitor or hero? Chafee: No, I would bring him home. The courts have ruled that what he did was, what he did was, Cooper: bring him home. No jail time? Chafee: The American government was acting illegally. That's what the federal courts have said. What Snowden did showed that the American government was acting illegally.
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