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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


Lon Snowden
father of Edward Snowden
KGO 08/11/2013
In terms of him (Obama) characterizing my son as a patriot or others like Peter King who characterizes him as a traitor, what I would say is my son has spoken the truth. He sacrificed more than either the President of the United States or Peter King have ever in their political careers or their American lives. So how they choose to characterize him really isn't care much–
Lon Snowden
father of Edward Snowden
KGO 08/11/2013
I want to add to this. In terms of the President made the statement that the President had enacted whistleblower laws that protected contractors like my son Edward, that is absolutely untrue. Either the President is being misled by his advisers or he is intentionally misleading the American people. Q. You don’t think he would have been protected by the whistleblower statutes? A. Absolutely not. Maybe at some point we should go through that.
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