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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


Mark Matthews
Political Reporter for NBC Bay Area News
KNTV 06/06/2014
Aguirre: The NSA won a skirmish today in the legal battle over government surveillance. San Francisco’s Electronic Frontier Foundation lost it’s bid to prevent the government from destroying e-mails it’s accused of gathering from millions of Americans. NBC Bay Area’s Mark Matthews is live with why the NSA is claiming victory tonight. Matthews: At least for the short term. This case dates back eight years, back to a time when a technician at an AT&T building in San Francisco reported what he said was massive government spying on Americans' internet and e-mail communications. Mark Klein said it was happening inside this AT&T building on Folsom. He said it was happening in room 641 A, reporting that the phone company had installed a splitter on their internet cables routing everything into a bank of NSA computers.
Mark Matthews
Political reporter for NBC Bay Area News
KNTV 06/06/2014
Matthews: The Electronic Frontier Foundation or EFF is suing claiming the mass surveillance of Americans is unconstitutional. They asked Judge Jeffrey White to prevent them from destroying the evidence of that collection. Lawyers for the government speaking by phone in Washington, D.C. argued the NSA material needs to be deleted because there's simply too much of it. And keeping it could imperil the program and damage national security. Today Judge Jeffrey White sided with the government saying he didn't have enough information to overrule the national security concerns. Cohn: The judge said he didn't have enough information to make a decision. This was an emergency motion. We brought it yesterday. Matthews: The lead lawyer for EFF said both sides will file briefs and get a hearing later this summer. Cohn: So yes, he did rule for the government here, but in a very short term way.
Mark Matthews
Political Reporter for NBC Bay Area News
KNTV 06/06/2014
Matthews: For Mark Klein, the technician who originally blew the whistle back in 2006, the government playing the national security trump card is something he's come to expect. Klein: But we know now from what I've revealed and what Snowden revealed that they're collecting everybody's information, everybody. Matthews: Now as I said, lawyers for the government were reporting to the court by phone from Washington, D.C. they were unavailable to talk with us, Judge White is expected to set a hearing sometime late July or August.
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