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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


Myron Belkind
National Press Club President; Former AP Foreign Correspondent & Bureau Chief
CSPAN 08/14/2014
Belkind: Also unacceptable is the threat the prison being faced by James Risen of The New York Times because of his work as a professional journalist. This morning a petition signed by more than 100,000 persons was delivered to the Department of Justice declaring “We support James Risen because we support a free press.” Those petitioners significantly include 20 Pulitzer Prize winners who declared their support for Mr. Risen, who is refusing to name a source for information about a bungled CIA operation in Iran that appeared in his 2006 book
Myron Belkind
National Press Club President; Former AP Foreign Correspondent & Bureau Chief
CSPAN 08/14/2014
Belkind: Also unacceptable is the threat the prison being faced by James Risen of The New York Times because of his work as a professional journalist. This morning a petition signed by more than 100,000 persons was delivered to the Department of Justice declaring “We support James Risen because we support a free press.” Those petitioners significantly include 20 Pulitzer Prize winners who declared their support for Mr. Risen, who is refusing to name a source for information about a bungled CIA operation in Iran that appeared in his 2006 book
Myron Belkind
National Press Club President; Former AP Foreign Correspondent & Bureau Chief
CSPAN 08/14/2014
Belkind: The National Press Club presented Mr. Risen it’s domestic Freedom of the Press Award in 2012 for a career of reporting material the government would prefer to keep from public view. From warrantless surveillance to the botched program to give Iran flawed nuclear weapons designs and he was also honored for resisting government attempts to get him to reveal his confidential sources. I am proud that The National Press Club, through its act of Freedom of the Press Committee, under the leadership of John Donnelly has continued to support Mr. Risen, as well as today's petition.
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