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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


Nicholas Rushworth
Reporter, France 24
LINKTV 06/24/2015
Rushworth: Among the leaks, that Nicolas Sarkozy in 2008 saw himself as the only one who could solve the financial crash of that year. Sarkozy considers it his responsibility to Europe in the world to step up to the plate and resolve the world financial crisis. Another one says Francois Hollande in 2012 believed the German Chancellor Angela Merkel was fixated on the Greek crisis. Hollande, Wikileaks, claimed Merkel had given up on Greece and was unwilling to budge. Wikileaks in 2013 alleged Merkel herself had had her phone tapped but there was no U.S. confirmation of that. And there is a similar -- on France with the White House insisting it is not targeting United States' communications and will not do so, but it is not to mention what might have been done in the past.
Nicholas Rushworth
Reporter, France 24
LINKTV 06/24/2015
Rushworth: The leaks have been timed to highlight the whole state spying and secrecy question with the French parliament due to pass a controversial security and surveillance bill this Wednesday. Video clip: The United States of America, Barack Obama. Godula: Wikileaks says that it wasn’t just French Presidents who were spied on by the U.S. but also several top French officials, and the reaction here has been a sharp one. The President, Francois Hollande has slammed the report as unacceptable. Dupuis: The Elysée spied on for at least six years. The allegations revealed by Wikileaks come as a blow to the French President. Francois Hollande set up an emergency meeting with his top cabinet Ministers and heads of intelligence services. In a statement, Hollande says France will not tolerate any acts that threaten its security. Elysée Statement: These acts are acceptable. They had already led to a discussion between the United States and France in 2013 at the time of the first revelations.
Genie Godula
Anchor, France 24
LINKTV 06/24/2015
Godula: France has lashed out at the United States after new reports from wikileaks said the NSA has spied on the last three French Presidents. The whistleblowing website says the U.S. eavesdropped on current President Francois Hollande as well as Nicolas Sarkozy and Jacques Chirac. The U.S. Ambassador has been summoned to the French Foreign Ministry and France’s top intelligence official is readying a trip to the U.S. to get to the bottom of the claims. Nicholas Rushworth has more. Rushworth: Wikileaks reveals Operation Espionage Elysée, alleging U.S. spies listened into the phone conversations of the last top three French Presidents and other top French officials. Could be a major diplomatic embarrassment for the U.S. administration, that embarrassment is only just beginning with Wikileaks bound to drip feed more about NSA's spying on France.
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