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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


Peter Thiel
Co-Founder of Paypal
FBC 09/21/2014
Thiel: There’s always this difficult issue, we have a terrorism problem, we have a national security problem and so I do think that it's very important for us to be doing things, things about this. And my criticism of the NSA is not that they’re collected all this data, but they really don't seem to know what they're doing with it. And so it's more like the keystone cops than like big brother where they couldn't figure out that someone in the I.T. Department wait s downloading these files and Mr. Snowden – it didn't even raise any red flags whereas the first thing an intelligence agency should do is counter intelligence. So I do think that we're collecting enormous amounts of data, there's a serious loss of privacy. If we were doing some useful things with that data, I’d be willing to have that tradeoff but I worry that it's been really incompetent.
Eric Schmidt
Executive Chairman of Google
FBC 09/24/2014
Thiel: There’s always this difficult issue, we have a terrorism problem, we have a national security problem and so I do think that it's very important for us to be doing things, things about this. And my criticism of the NSA is not that they’re collected all this data, but they really don't seem to know what they're doing with it. Bartiromo: Do we know what we're doing with all this data? Schmidt: Well, the NSA doesn’t talk to us. So you’d have to ask the NSA. The current evidence is that the NSA data collection was not misused to violate the citizens of America, which would be illegal. However many of us expressed concerns that it could be misused.
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