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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


Ray McGovern
Former CIA Intelligence Analyst
ALJAZAM 07/07/2014
McGovern: As has been pointed out the very close relationship of intelligence sharing is something that goes back many decades. As a matter of fact, Tom Drake the Senior Executive who testified before the Bundestag on Friday evening talked about the BND for example as being an appendage, Anhang (sp?) is the German word to the NSA and the U.S. Intelligence establishment. So with that kind of history, it's going to be very difficult for Mrs. Merkel to assert her authority, and i see this as a kind of a metaphor for the Anhang (sp?), the appendage relationship that has existed between Germany and the United States since the end of World War II really.
Ray McGovern
Former CIA Intelligence Analyst
ALJAZAM 07/07/2014
McGovern: The fear in Germany of course is that Washington knows a lot more about what the BND, the Bundesnachrichtendienst, the CIA equivalent in Germany, what the BND is doing. And that's altogether possible. Dual haus merlic (sp?) could one say. This parliamentary Bundestag Ausschüsse, the committee that is looking into this going to really have to decide whether it really wants to learn these things or whether like the U.S. so-called oversight committees which really are overlook committees, whether they really want to know what the BND was doing. Because Thomas Drake said on Friday night, all or virtually all the data that goes through Germany is accessed by the NSA and by the BND.
Ray McGovern
Former CIA Intelligence Analyst
ALJAZAM 07/07/2014
McGovern: Some of that traffic, some of that data is used for drone strikes in Pakistan. That's big. If the German government wants to duck that, hopefully there's enough democracy in Germany, hopefully enough time has gone by since World War II that the German leaders can stop acting like Anhang (sp?), with all connotation of what a hanger-on looks like and stand up for their rights
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