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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


Richard Lodgett
National Security Agency Deputy Director
CSPAN2 06/05/2014
Lodgett: We have provided as you know detailed information to the committee on the background on this, and we will work with the DNI and the rest of the IC to provide additional information to you. Wyden: So when would I get an answer to the question. It's a very specific question. The Director admitted to me in a letter that these warrantless searches are taking place and I’m going the next and saying how many of them? When will I get a letter telling me how many of them have taken place? I’d like to within two weeks because it is obviously relevant to making this part of the Senate bill because it was be omitted in the House. Lodgett: Yes, sir. Wyden: Can we have it within two weeks? Lodgett: We will work on that, sir. We’ll get you a response within two weeks. Wyden: Thank you. Making some progress.
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