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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


Siobhan Gorman
Wall Street Journal Reporter
KQED 08/21/2013
Gorman: the tone was a pretty sharpt rebuke. it talked about the –it criticized the government for not taking stronger measures to protect privacy. It criticized the government for not even really trying to find new ways to collect information so it would have these kind of violations. And in one of it’s sharpest rebukes, it said this is the third time in the last
Siobhan Gorman
Wall Street Journal Reporter
KQED 08/21/2013
Gorman continued: three years that we feel that the government has misrepresented its collection programs to the courts. So we've heard about the checks the court places on surveillance and this opinion shows on the one hand that the court does provide a major check but on the other it's after the fact and the NSA has a fair amount of leeway also to construct its surveillance programs and there's a certain amount of self-policing that goes on there
Siobhan Gorman
Wall Street Journal Reporter
KQED 08/21/2013
Gorman: domestic communications are being picked up by the NSA is just the same as it has been at least since 2008. The way that NSA handles those communications now is somewhat different. They are trying to basically segregate and quarantine the sets of communications that are likely to contain wholly domestic communications and handle them so that they don't get distributed throughout NSA databases or into intelligence reports and make their way kind of throughout the system in a searchable form.
Siobhan Gorman
Wall Street Journal Reporter
KQED 08/21/2013
Gorman: the nation security agency has entered into, under a court order, with major US telecommunications providers. Collectively, those providers cover 75% of united states communications. The NSA and the telephone companies have constructed sort of a two-step filtering system that means that the telecommunications companies do the first cut of filtering based on the guidelines that NSA provide under the court order and then
Siobhan Gorman
Wall Street Journal Reporter
KQED 08/21/2013
Gorman continued: they pass a subset of that information to NSA, they call it a data stream. NSA then takes that data stream and filters it again against specific criteria that it has, such as an e-mail address or a set of internet protocol addresses
Siobhan Gorman
Wall Street Journal Reporter
KQED 08/21/2013
Gorman: protecting American communications. And that is, that certain types of communications, just because of the way technology has evolved, are bundled together. And so you may end up with a bundle of communications where some small portion of it contains information that is responsive to what NSA is looking for with its foreign intelligence filters, but they have to hand over the whole bundle of communications, which may also include wholly domestic communications. The problem is you can’t decouple some of these sets of communications.
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