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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


Dianne Feinstein quoted
U.S. Senator (D-CA), Chairman of Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
MSNBCW 10/29/2013
Hall: The chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Dianne Feinstein who has been a lawyer defender of the NSA has broken ranks with the agency and is now calling for a full review of all of their surveillance programs. Senator Feinstein says she quote, “totally opposed to spying on U.S. allies and adds that Congress has not been kept in the loop. Feinstein's republican counterpart, on the Intelligence Committee, republican Susan Collins, agrees in a statement she says, she notes “there's no justification for collecting intel on leaders of our closest allies and said she will meet with the German Ambassador tonight to say she is opposed to the phone tapping.
Susan Collins
U.S. Senator R-Maine, Member of Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
CSPAN 01/29/2014
Collins: I’ve read the DIA assessment and it is evident to me that most of the documents stolen by Mr. Snowden have nothing to do with the privacy rights and civil liberties of American citizens or even the NSA collection program.
Susan Collins
U.S. Senator R-Maine, Member of Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
CSPAN 01/29/2014
Collins: Indeed, these documents and we’ve heard the number of 1.7 million documents are in any cases multi-pages. If you printed them all and stacked them, they would be more than three miles high. I say that to give the public more information about how extraordinarily extensive the documents that he stole were. And they don't just pertain to the NSA. They pertain to the entire intelligence community and include information about military intelligence, our defense capabilities, the defense industry.
Michel Flynn
Lt. General, Director Defense Intelligence Agency
CSPAN 01/29/2014
Flynn: I think the greatest cost that is unknown today, but what we will likely face, is the cost in human lives on tomorrow's battlefield or in some place where we will put our military forces when we ask them to go into harms way. That is the greatest cost we face with the disclosures that have been presented so far. And like I said the strongest word I can use, this has caused great damage to our national security. Collins: So it has caused great damage to our national security and you would agree that it puts at risk potentially the lives of our troops? Is that accurate? Flynn: Yes, ma'am. Collins: Thank you.
Matthew Olsen
Director National Counterterrorism Center
CSPAN 01/29/2014
Olsen: (in reference to the damage impact from Snowden leaks) what was seen in the last six to eight months is an awareness by these groups and their increasingly sophisticated and awareness of our ability to monitor communications and specific instances where they changed the ways in which they communicate to avoid being surveilled or being subject to her surveillance tactics. Collins: And obviously, that puts us at greater risk of an attack? Olsen: It certainly puts us at risk of missing some thing that we are trying to see, which could lead to putting us at risk of an attack, yes. Collins: And just a quote you back to yourself, you said this is not an exaggeration. This is a fact. And you stand by that. Olsen: I absolutely do, yes.
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