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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


Susan Rice
U.S. National Security Advisor
BLOOMBERG 05/30/2014
Rice: He was not trained as a spy. We have no idea where that assertion comes from. Has Edward done damage? He has done immense damage to the national security of the United States in ways that I wish I could describe in public, but I cannot. Indeed, the revelations, the illegal unauthorized revelations of Snowden have given our enemies particularly terrorists, including al Qaeda, insights into how we gain information and intelligence on them that have enabled them to change the way they operate and be much more difficult to track. That’s just one example.
Susan Rice
U.S. National Security Advisor
BLOOMBERG 05/30/2014
Rice: By the way, we have the best justice system in the world with all the protections for defendants that anybody, anywhere could hope for. He faces very serious charges. He should come back and face them in court. If his intentions are honorable, as he claims, which is hard to imagine given the damage he has done, then he ought to be brave enough to face the justice system that is the foundation of the country he loves.
Edward Snowden
KNTV 05/30/2014
Mitchell: The NSA said Thursday it found only one e-mail from Snowden asking for clarification on a legal issue, not whistle-blowing. Asked to comment today Snowden responded to NBC news saying “The NSA's new discovery of written contact between me and its lawyers after more than a year of denying any such contact existed raises serious concerns. Calling the NSA release “incomplete,” Snowden added, “The fact is that I did raise such concerns both verbally and in writing and on multiple continuing occasions. As I've always said and as NSA has always denied.” Still the White House is challenging Snowden's credibility. Susan Rice: He was not trained as a spy. We have no idea where that assertion comes from. And has Edward Snowden done damage? He's done immense damage.
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