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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


Eamon Javers
CNBC Reporter
KQED 08/31/2013
Javers; Seeing amazing resurgence of the CIA in this era of drone warfare and clandestine warfare around the world, the CIA reporting a 14.7 billion-dollar budget, for itself. That makes it the biggest component of the intelligence community. For a long time a lot of folks had thought maybe the CIA was no longer the dominant player in U.S. intelligence, maybe it was the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency which flies satellites. Maybe the NSA was spending more money. But in fact we now know $14.7 billion going to the CIA every year.
Barack Obama
KQED 03/25/2014
Mathisen: The Obama Administration proposed sweeping changes to the NSA's surveillance of American's phone records. It now puts the burden of storing and searching phone records of millions of people on phone companies instead of on the government. The President says the changes would help ease concerns about privacy while still keeping Americans safe. Obama: Overall I'm confident that it allows to us do what is necessary in order to deal with the dangers of the terrorists attacks but does so in a way that addresses some of the concerns that people have raised. Mathisen: Federal regulations already require phone companies to hold onto so-called metadata on all phone calls for 18 months. But that does not include records on the caller's names or the content of those calls. the government and telecom giants monitor phone calls.
Eamon Javers
CNBC Washington Reporter
KQED 09/19/2014
Mathisen: So Eamon, is this really the caption on this, how Edward Snowden changed American business? Javers: Yeah, absolutely, the Snowden disclosures as you saw Clapper say right there really led a lot of American companies to reevaluate what their cooperation is here with intelligence and whether it’s good for their bottom lines or not. And it raises sort of an existential question about what companies' responsibilities are here to law enforcement and to intelligence and to the United States versus to their customers. Gharib: What is corporate America's obligation to the country and to their customers? Javers: You know, there is a legal answer to that question, which is that they have to follow the letter of the law and if they get a warrant and have the ability to turn over the information they have to do that. And then there is sort of a moral and political and ideological answer to that question that I'm not qualified to give you. But every company is wrestling with this in a lot of spheres.
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