dr. sanford president of the associate and dr. mark, chief of your st. joseph's medical center. welcome back. always a pleasure to have you on. >> thank you. >> first, how and why did this controversy regarding to screen for prostate cancer, how did it come about? >> i'll let my partner take care of that question for you. >> yeah, i think that there's a scent that perhaps prostate cancer is not as deadly as we think it is, and it is not as dangerous as we think it is. because of that, there is an elk out there that subjects perhaps we're overscreening which leads to overtestings and perhaps overtreatment. >> what does the data tell us? >> it tells us that prostate cancer is still the number two cancer killer in this country . >> number two? >> yes, number two male cancer in the country close to 30 thourbs men a year -- 30,000 men a year still die from prostate cancer. there's relatively 2,000 new cases tested per year. with those, we feel that prostate cancer is still a cancer that needs to be detected and needs to be treated. not in all cases, but it needs to be treated in the