he immediately tied her up with these plastic handcuffs, laid her on the ground, and started looking through her room. >> reporter: same kind of zip ties that had been used in boston. >> exactly. at that point her cell phone started to ring and the gunman got very nervous when the phone kept ringing and ringing. he said, "who's calling you? why are they calling now?" >> reporter: the caller was amber's husband and her business manager. he was in the hotel lobby waiting for a signal from amber that everything was okay. when he did not get it, he began calling and headed up to his wife's room. >> suddenly, there was a man coming through the door because her husband had the key to the room. the gunman pointed the gun at amber's husband. amber's husband took off down the hall one way. the attacker took off the other way. amber was able to jump up, and with her elbow, she elbowed the door, slammed it shut. >> reporter: the gunman escaped, although security cameras captured his image in the stairwell and lobby. how dumb is it to show your face to these people? >> what we might think is stu