but a so-called live burn economics inside of this rowhouse, left cadet rachael wilson dead.s blame the accident on a total breakdown on safety protocols. now the family of cadet wilson has filed a $35 million wrongful death suit t alleges gross negligence by three fire department supervisors that coordinated the live burn. >> the national fire protection association requires that only one fire be set in a live burn exercise. but this lawsuit alleges that seven fires were set on all three floors of the house, just one of several conditions that contributed to the death of cadet rachael wilson. >> but city officials dispute the allegations, and claims that fire academy supervisors were grossly negligence. >> it was a terrible accident. you know, mistakes were clearly made. and no doubt about it. but that doesn't mean that though the -- an employer is liable to an employee under those circumstances. >> but baltimore attorney julie ruben that is not associated with this case, said that some liability is obvious. >> a woman lost her life. children left without a moment family wit