you get the showtime knife sharpener for all your straight edge knives. you'll also receive the sheers to cut all your poultry. included also is the seventy dollar professional carving knife and fork set. you get our saw knife that cuts through all sorts of bones and frozen food. here we have our chop and serve. by god. you can do work with this knife here and of course you scoop up the food right into the frying pan. you'll also get the bread and bagel knife with this package. it's great for bread and it's great for bagels too. i'm also gonna through in my sixty dollar eight and a half inch blade, all purpose chef's knife. it's razor sharp. this is my seventy dollar heavy duty stainless steel cleaver. i'm gonna make sure everyone gets one of these too. and everybody will get my two different size paring knives. i'm also gonna give you my large fillet knife. watch how easily it separates the skin from the meat. watch these people here fillet that beautiful halibut. i'm including my boning knife because no knife set is really complete without one. and you'l