about overstatements about the attempt to remove the overturn the removal of overtone thank you otto duffy for your comments. welcome to the next speaker i, i just wanted to just introduce myself. >> my name's obama. i was born and raised here in the city. i'm also on the sheriff's oversight board. i by no means am speaking on behalf of that board. speaking specifically as a citizen myself i think carolyn gossip from the public defender's office mentioned this earlier about how collaborative max overseeing was and i just wanted to add to that in support of him he came along with the human rights commission and the somewhat community development center to speak on behalf of to speak to the pacific islander community which is where i'm from and i thought it was very helpful to to kind of share out the pretextual policy and i just wanted to add my support on behalf of keeping max on the board to the commission. >> thank you. thank you for your comments before the next speaker you're welcome to come up sir. >> before you begin though, just want to invite any other members of the public who are