. >> if there is no further commissioner,, is there any public comment on items 7a and 7b. q(Ñsimenonroval of the minutes of commission meeting april 18, 2012. ñrall in favor? is there any public comment? the minutes are approved. item 9, review and approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of may 16, 2012. >>5g move to approve. >> second. >> are all commissioners in favor? in the post?is there any public? -- any opposed? the minutesÑi are approved. review and approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of june 20, 2012. >> move to approve. >> second. >> is there any public comment? commissioners in favor of approving the minutes? i"ñany opposed? the minutes are approved. gcommissioner walker: can i also thank you for catching up? we have been far behind. it has been a tedious job. thank you, sonya. >> and thank ann, too. >> and thank you,ñr ann, wherevr you are. >> is there a motion to adjourn? >> so moved. >> any opposed? we're now adjourned. is 11:10 a.m. wfb-- it is 11:10 a.m. >> when the new california academy of sciences opened in 2008, it quickly became one of the top