i couldn't move. - shinji! shinji! shinji! [shinji screaming] shinji! [fire raging] shinji! i was buried under the collapsed house. i could hear him making his way closer to me, crunching through the rubble. i could barely see. i could smell the singeing of flesh burnt raw. my father managed to pull me out, my skin hanging off my body in pieces like ragged clothes. people were shrieking for help all around us. these horrible sound left us speechless. my father and i looked at each other frozen. hiroshima had been turned into a gigantic pit of ash and rubble. what in the world had happened? i wasn't laughing. then we heard a roaring sound growing louder. the fire was quickly approaching. [haunting music - fire raging] it was burning everything on its path. we heard their screams. we smelled their flesh. we tasted ash. it was hell on earth. we crawled under electric wires and fallen poles. we stepped on the sharp and jagged debris. my feet were raw. my entire body was in pain. i heard whispers and cries from the ground. [people crying] [bird chirping] [shinji speaking in japan