. -- captionsns by vit -- ♪ >>> it is friday, you know what time it is, time for "options action", i'melissa lee live from the nasdaq market site in new york city's times square here's what's coming up -- >> announcer: xlf'd, carter worth shows why it could only get worse for the financials as peak everything peaks. >>> then, just do it or maybe don't do it tony saying swoosh is in to help you play through nike earnings >>> plus, mike khouw takes his broken wing and learns to fly again, to ride amazon higher it's time to risk less and make more "options action" starts right now. >> well, as much as a sellof as we've had it's likely still all down from here think we're talking the overall market well, we're actually referring to the xlf specifically at this point it's almost all one in the same the chartmaster carter worth explains everything. carter, take it away. >> everything, that's quite grand but let's try. so what we know is of course financials third-best performer over the past 12 months. we also know 11.5% is an important sector in the s&p. we also know the big banks are the t