. -- kimick. he is favored to win the title yet again.inally, the story of a mountain bear and a very brave boy. watch this video that shows 12-year-old alessandro, who was out hiking with his family in northern italy, when they notice a bare behind them in the brush. alessandro keeps, and keeps walking slowly down the mountain. he told italian reporters he was a bear lover and could not wait to see one. he almost got his wish. in youour repoport has predidica surge in violence against children becauause of the lockdownwns enforced by the covid-19 pandemic. lockdown measures put in place to prorotect people are actually putting millions of children at risk. in germany, they have extended social distancing rolls until the end of june despite some lockdown restrictions being used in time for the -- eased in time for the summer tourist season. you're watching dw news. i will be back to take you through the day after the break. stick around. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption conte