e-e 400 of the 28th msp. 124 msbr there are representatives of the barsu akhmat of the 76th airborne assault division rather large number of forces and means but really they were unable to implement offensive actions why because, first of all, the terrain well, even if we talk about the freezing of the soil, it needs to be more er let's say more such a large-scale er more serious should there will be frosts because there is a lot of marshy terrain there, especially in the direction in which they were supposed to, for example, advance in the direction of the estuary and also carry out offensive actions in the direction of srebynka there, especially through the forest through the swamps, well, in fact, the weather conditions exactly for minusing their entire history with offensive actions, and this is during the waiting period, the fact is that waiting also has an effect on combat capability and the potential for further advancement, so accumulation is indeed taking place, but at the same time, they are in a static position, and they are, in fact , every day the armed forces of ukraine are pressing wit