a.j. hackett bungee experience seem to open in sochi will not disappoint with only five similar locations around the world such as been chosen for its geography beauty and the fact that russians love adrenaline sports well the views of the valley here are just incredible and the bungee jumping the take place here in such here later this year isn't an olympic sport but it still has an incredible following around the world people are already always looking for that latest rush or thrill and extreme writhing in china is no exception. introducing if i deem my cut off and the tally on a scale of extreme climb as a blog is to have illegally scaled also to build exists around the world while that fellow russian sportsmen and women compete for medals in struggle with fear and pressure of the winter olympics this path thought nothing of slipping into the construction sites of the second tallest building in the world. the first which shows the countries want to visit we go there enjoy the atmosphere didn't leave there like we were born there was this huge ratings in the music and you then which is