. >> here with predictions, a.o. scott"the chicago tribune." good morning. >> great to have both of you with us. a lot of anticipation. let's take a look at best motion picture drama nominees. >> no films were nominated. >> here they are. >> a slow year for movies. >> "the descendants," "the help," "hugo," the ides of march," "moneyball," "war horse." >> i think it will be "the help." not always loved by critics, but that's the popular, kind of accessible audience-friendly choice. >> michael? >> i think it's "the descendants." not like last year, where you had a very clear race between "the social network" and "the king's speech." this is a tougher field. >> i think it will be one of the two, but probably "the help." >> i think you're wrong. >>> best picture, comedy, or musical. >> "50/50," "the artist," "bridesmaids," "carnage," midnight in paris," "my week with marilyn." >>> this is an easy one i think it will be "the artist." >> i think you're wrong. i think it will be "bridesmaids." a big hit, a lot of tv personality t