a.p. giannini middle school between 37th avenue and 41st avenue. you'll see in the packet a design of the improvements. essentially it's traffic calming improvements and pedestrian enhancements along that area of the roadway. the current schedule of the project is currently in conceptual design, which should be completed by june of this year. m.t.a. is currently doing the public outreach component and bringing the conceptual design out to the public and going back to the p.t.a.'s at both schools and reviewing the designing project. the design should begin in july 2011 and should be completed by january 2012. construction should begin in the fall of 2012 and should be completed by the fall of 2013. this item to come before the c.a.c. in march and the c.a.c. did defer the item, had some questions about the conceptual design. and we actually set up a separate meeting with one of the c.a.c. members and went through the conceptual design, recorded their concerns, which are detailed in your packet and in your staff report and m.t.a. will be taking those