so a man like a.t. walden who is dismissed as an uncle tom by ldf on the other hand and by the students on the other, because he didn't tow either line, looks more complicated when we consider him in his own time on the ground from his own perspective. within that context, his choices look more reasonable. what he was trying to do and what the pragmatists were trying to do was reconcile the theories, the philosophies of dubois and booker t. washington while dealing with white supremacists. moreover, i think it's notable that the school desegregation and walden came to be shared by lots and lots of people in the civil rights movement. now, all of whom thought something more complicated than integration. so, of course, people came to understand that one needed nurturing teachers, a good curriculum and representation on school boards, for instance, so you could say he was prescient. above all else, i would argue that a bottom-up understanding of constitutional history is that organizers demonstrators, women and m