world but you have to look at the fact that our military has six hundred billion dollars and the a.t.f. which is tasked with with making sure that these things don't happen tracking these things only gets like a billion six the really does. it's not about gun control we have laws they just need to be followed and you need to have people out there educating keeping an eye on things and saying when people shouldn't have and i don't i said kudos to the people that helped out there all that all our hearts go out to the victims most awfully and thank you natasha street for that report live on the ground thank you. as the partisan media does battle over electoral politics and hot button social and cultural war issues one topic that gets besley overlooked in our day and age is the treatment of animals and more broadly the environment from the unconscionable moral horrors horrors and anti gena crimes taking place inside factory farms to the brutal conditions costly revealed inside puppy mills and underground breeders how we as a society treat our silent neighbors on earth says a lot about humanity's