aa jim acosta exppains... witt his new rival newt gingric. ggngrich.reportee pkg-as follows -- "i've been married to the same woman for 25, sorry i'm going to get n trouble, for 42 operation get newt, a romney - this ad, running in iowa this week, that ends a nnt so subtle message to voterr: mitt omneyyis a family man. washington saw it as a shot acrrss the bow at newt giigrich, who's nowwon his callista, a forrerr having aa affair with bbck in the 90's. bbttteam romney says nooway."pundits are going to say what thhy will. i'llltell you this ad is aboot mitt romney, his values, what's which is a commitmentttoohis . - family, a commitment to his faith, and a commitment to this country.""i'm goong to stay posittve..no roolem says 3 cnn.script----- -----end----- cnn.script----- straight ahead... household wealth takes a dive...the reeaon behind the shhrp ddop off in ...income... ...iicome...and coke's top secret rrcipe has a new home... ffnn ut where... next. ((break 3)) [ female announcer ] help i need a holiday party idea. mmm... pillsbury crescent wrap