the local government suffers the company so first and most importantly the people of bhopal suffer aagot. i don't remember actually who was the media person who asked me this question who do you blame to actually according to you. before i answer to this question he said you're goldman they he said to me your government like ditching you they have been detained people from. so if you're gonna listen or villain to help you then what will you will do for you. on that particular night i'm not particular night on the second and third december some gases from the union carbide leaks and some of the people died to being an autopsy surgeon it was my moral duty to find out what the cause of death was. after analysis it was established that cyanide was present to get along with nearly twenty million components are to which it team were deadly. like in hiroshima and nagasaki it had an adverse effect on their genes so similarly this adverse effect of the gases causing genetic mutation in india. would like that we don't speak about bhopal because it's not a good image of all india in america they do