attorneys westeen states are gathering at aahaawian resorttand spp ii august. & august.the onfereece.. aimed at imprrving tth american juutice system....will cost 3& group's confeeence cost taxpayees 657 thoussnd doolars inntravel costs alone. &p moneyytroubles at the - pity-ownnd convennton centerr -3 hotel in ddwntown baatimoree and eeperts say ittcould coot taxpayers. taxpaaees. accorring to - theelatesttfiinnccal staaements from the baltimore &photee corporrtion... the & hotel, whiih is managed by hilton, lost aaout 111million dollars last year.. up to a -siice ii opened in theessmmer of 2008. it's aacciy venture thht somm experts say 3 (prof. rhoads0 "private 3 there's nothinggnew about 3 that'ssggt ttii public kind oo twist tt it.. and so, there's taxpayer money involvvd, there's ttxpayers somewhat on theehooo for theseelosses.." lossss.." 3 city officcalss including jay brody who's president of the baltimore developpent cooporation, hve paid these losses re hat -3 they call "paper losses".. not "real ccsh lossess." which they ay will nottaffect thh hotel's ability to pay ts -&p