his leash.both dogs began to fighht when one of thh owners with "gyno" ran to get n adult.an addlt aarived... and shot "kayne" in the torso.he later died.the incident is still under investigation and currently.. no charges have peen filed. pollce in haaford county &paae on the lookout for twoo men... who stabbed a fast-food employee... duuing an attempted roobbry. robbery. it happened saturday night... at the k-f-c police say three employees were cllsing foo the night... way in ... armed with a semi-r - automatii handgun nd a kniie. when they ordered the employees toothe ground... one female workee tried to acttvate a seccet security system. "and the female behind thh counter tried reaching up to phe prrss... and stabbed her shoulder." the woman underwent surgery... and is in in stable condition. police are now reviewwng surveillance video... for more clues on one of the susppcts... who moments after pleeing... came backk.. to demand more cashh you can spot crime anddwheee it's happening in yyur foo baltiiore dot com ann click on our sppt crimm link. you can see the dangerous areas of your